Part 1: Ray starts with BET founder, Robert Louis Johnson and his statement that the Democratic Party has “gone too far left” and also added that partisanship has become “very wicked and very mean,”. Then he hits on the Home Depot story. President Trump took to Twitter in support of Home Depot after social media calls to boycott them after co-founder Bernie Marcus plans to back Trump’s re-election bid. Ray struggles with the name of an Illinois State Fair and JJ Jeffrey comes in and corrects him. Ray continues to with the story about the country rock band, Confederate Railroad, beening barred from performing at the Du Quoin State Fair in Du Quoin, Ill. on Aug. 27 for “90s Country Reloaded Day”.
Part 2: Debi found the cutest little girl on YouTube. 6-Year-Old Claire Crosby sings Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis while playing the ukulele. Ray and Debi discuss the Democratic Debate and how leftist they have all become. Debi points out that there wasn’t not even one flag on any candidate or even the stage of the debate.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: Josiah Bartlett (1729-1795) He represented New Hampshire at the Continental Congress, was a Delegate to Continental Congress (1774-’87); Signed Declaration of Independence in 1776, Signed Articles of Confederation in 1777. He was a State Court Judge, a Member of Federal constitutional convention (1787); He was elected Governor of New Hampshire. By age 17, he had learned some of both Latin and Greek. He also began the study of medicine, working in the office of Dr. Ordway of Amesbury at the same time. Before Bartlett turned 21, in 1750, he moved to Kingston, New Hampshire and began his practice. All three of his sons and seven of his grandsons would follow him as physicians.
Part 4: Ray talks about Tom Steyer. He is an American billionaire hedge fund manager, philanthropist, environmentalist, liberal activist, and fundraiser. He just announced his candidacy in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. Ray explains why this surprises him, not that he is running, but running as a democrat. He gives you another history lesson on President Hayes and how his Presidency even though he was probably one of the most moral Presidents we’ve had but was plagued with fraudulency because of the way he became President. He then gives his overview of several of the top 2020 Democrat Presidential hopefuls. He points out that AOC is running the Democratic Party.
Part 5: Ray describes the stand Sen. Susan Collins took with the confirmation of Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Part 6: Ray reminds people what could happen if one of the Democrats that have announced that they are running for President actually get into office. He gives another history lesson. This time about how the Democrat party has treated the poor throughout our country’s history. Ray explains the full truth and asks people to dig and find out the truth. This is a very informative segment. The truth shall set you free!!!
Part 7: Ray reminds people that this weekend is the Moxie Festival. Come and join Moxie lovers from Maine, the US and abroad at the one and only Moxie Festival. He will be announcing the parade on Saturday in Lisbon, Maine. There will be three days of fun!
Part 8: Ray takes a call from Dave of Westbrook and he and Ray talk about his son Tyler briefly and then Dave gets to the reason he called in. He brings up an interview with US Women’s Soccer Team member, Megan Rapinoe, about why she can’t support the President. They continue with the discussion on other “celebrities” that “dis” America in the media. Somehow, they get into the difference between “faith” and “religion” as an example of how everything is a slippery slope.
Part 9: Ray reminds the audience of the “ideas” of the rigid ideology and the inconsistency of the left and how they hate the crony capitalism of the right.
Part 10: Ray talks about the “Good Ole Days”. He plays The Judd’s song “Grandpa (Tell Me ’bout The Good Ol’ Days)”. He talks about how family was better when there was time to sit around the dinner table and then this leads to reparations. Debi and Dee Dee join in the discussion.
Part 11: Ray and Debi continue to talk about the responsibility of paying for the reparations.