07-12-19 Friday Follies
Part 1: Ray plays James Brown’s Get Up Offa That Thing. He goes on to describe the Maine Heritage Policy Center’s Freedom and Opportunity Luncheon. Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin spoke and was very inspirational. He was our guest on yesterday’s show. He congratulates the 2019 Freedom & Opportunity Award to Mr. Peter Anastos. He was appointed to be chairman of the Board of MaineHousing by Governor Paul LePage in 2011. Ray takes a call about the character of the Kentucky Governor. They talk about the loss of the Governor’s daughter and how the media treated him and how graceful he was in putting her in his place.
Part 2: Larry calls in and is frustrated with the “media” because they don’t do their jobs. They are opinion based and it is extremely frustrating that they are so biased that the truth is often hidden.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: George Mason IV (December 11, 1725 – October 7, 1792), as an American planter, politician and delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention of 1787, one of three delegates who refused to sign the Constitution. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, which Mason principally authored, served as a basis for the United States Bill of Rights, of which he has been deemed the father. Ray continues with his personal life and some other interesting things that help to understand what makes this man tick.
Part 4: Ray gives his perspective on the census. He gives an example of the difference of when the last census came out and some of the questions that were on it verses what should be on the census. The slow eroding river that is the left. Ray explains why the fight over the census is so important. Ray reveals the real collusion. It is between the media and the Liberal Activist. He explains that the media doesn’t do their job and that all they can do is scream that his is a dictator. He talks about the liberal judges of the 9th District. He goes into some more history and explains how the courts really work.
Part 5: Ray takes a call from someone that vehemently disagrees with Ray on his views on President Trump and the media and the court system.
Part 6: Ray rants and expresses frustration about being on hold with an airline company for over two hours twice last night. We need to demand better from our companies and the people that are in the service industry. Ray welcomes Carroll Conley, Executive Director of Christian Civic League of Maine by phone. They chat about yesterday’s luncheon with Gov. Matt Bevin and how inspirational his speech was and how Gov. Bevin and his family triumphed over tragedy. They talk about how faith is multi-faceted and affects all aspects of your personality.
Part 7: Really short segment. Ray introduces Former Maine Representative and Lobsterman Wayne Parry in studio.
Part 8: Ray had promised to play a clip from a President Obama and George Stephanopoulos. interview about the way ObamaCare will work. Ray stops the clip and makes a comment about how the courts are not “End All Be All” but an equal body in the three prong government. This isn’t being taught anymore. Ray points out that President Obama lied about how ObamaCare was going to work and they forced it down our throats. Ray points out how he got away with things. Ray changes direction and takes on the Right whales issues. Wayne explains a little about why. The problems aren’t even Maine’s. They are having a rally to support the long historied lobster industry in Stoningham on July 21.
Part 9: Ray and Wayne continue to discuss the long-term affect of this legislation about the right whale. They are holding a rally on July 21st (Sunday) from 12 noon to 2pm. This is an informative rally. Not a protest!
Part 10: Ray reads some more history about a delicious and crunchy treat. He tells us about the birth of potato chips. Ray and Wayne take a call from Gordon Draper who has a question about quotas on bait. They talk about the people who could catch bait and who couldn’t. Wayne really does a great job explain how this all works. Ray reads a couple of quips from Bob (the Sage of Kennebunk).
Part 11: Ray and Wayne get into the weeds….the discuss the discord that his happening in the Democrat party. They talk about Sarah Gideon and her path to office. She moved to Maine, ran for office and started changing Maine immediately. She basically came to Maine to change Maine.