Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee (yes, she’s back) talk about the heat, the weekend and bubble gum. Ray talks a little about the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 and Buzz Aldrin. They also discuss the time it would take to get to Mars. Ray gives a shout out to Astronaut and Caribou, Maine native Jessica Meir who is set to fly to the International Space Station in September! She went to school with Ray’s sister-in-law Jane’s niece.
Part 2: Ray recalls the conversation with his Friday’s guest Harold Pachios about the National Debt and deficit. He didn’t think it would ever get to be that big. Debi asks him a question about it. Ray poses the question “when will we have borrowed so much money, that the countries that we have borrowed from say, enough is enough”.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: John Jay (December 23, 1745 – May 17, 1829) was an American statesman, patriot, diplomat, Founding Father of the United States, negotiator and signatory of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, second Governor of New York, and the first Chief Justice of the United States (1789–1795). He was a co-author of The Federalist Papers along with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, and wrote five of the 85 essays.
Part 4: Ray continues with a history lesson…this time about the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and why it was established. Ray points out that Phil Bartlett, serves as PUC chairman, was appointed in May by Gov. Janet Mills. He was also chairman of the Maine Democratic Party and a four-term state senator. Fast forward to the Op-Ed in the Portland Press Herald that criticized how Central Maine Power (CMP) handled the rollout of its new billing system. The PUC has promised to hold CMP accountable, even though the regulator has not yet completed its investigation of the billing problems. Ray continues to point out discrepancies.
Part 5: Conner joins us in Studio as Ray continues with his frustration of PUC and why did the Governor put a partisan hack into a position that is suppose to be non-partisan.
Part 6: Ray welcome Conner Richardson and Adrienne Bennett of FO Bailey Real Estate. This weeks FO Bailey Real Estate segment is about working in the real estate field. Conner explains how every transaction is different. Adrienne explains that some of the differences in personalities of agents. Ray says that people are afraid of what they don’t know and Adrienne says that it is okay to vet a real estate agent and Conner expands on that point. He says it is okay to ask questions. Conner has more advice to save money and time. Ray points out that listening is a huge point to look for. Adrienne continues this with a story about the open house that she and Conner did yesterday.
Part 8: Ray is all riled up about voter fraud in this segment.
Part 9: He gives a shout out to Veteran Mentors of Maine. Ray talks about Mayor Pete and the Democratic Debates. He takes a call from Larry about Governor Millssigning a bill that would allow importation of prescription drugs from Canada as long as they have a waiver from the federal government to do so.
Part 10: Ray talks about racism. He gives a couple of stories. Ray continues with his thoughts on different people’s claims of racism. Ray talks about America, patriotism and the Flag. He says that the words stop and yield don’t mean the same thing. He stresses that division is what politicians thrive on because that’s what get vote. He gives the example of Obamacare and medicare.
Part 11: Ray plays a clip from Bernie Sanders coming from a Walmart Board Members Meeting about raising minimum wage to $15/hr. Ray points out the truth about what the minimum wage was meant to be. Bernie has to cut hour on his campaign staff so he can afford to pay the $15/hr. to his staff. Bernie’s campaign is what will happen to all of the other companies that will have to pay this large minimum wage.