07-25-19 Thursday Thoughts
Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee are in studio this morning. Ray touches on a couple of things including a short comparison of two New Yorkers that have become President. FDR and Donald Trump speaks to and for the working people of our country and wanted to make life better. Ray also hits on the Korean War Conflict before diving into the testimony of Bob Mueller. Ray lays it out for all to hear.
Part 2: Ray continues to explain how the government works in great frustration with the media and the educators for not teaching the branches of government and how they work. He continues on with the media and the difference between a media hack (one that includes personal views) and the integrity of just reporting the facts.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: James Madison (March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836) was an American statesman, lawyer, diplomat, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817. He is hailed as the “Father of the Constitution” for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the United States and the United States Bill of Rights. He also co-wrote The Federalist Papers, co-founded the Democratic-Republican Party, and served as the fifth United States secretary of State from 1801 to 1809. Even in his 40s, Madison was a lonely and single man. That changed when Aaron Burr introduced him to Dolley Todd. The couple married when Madison was 43, and never had children. Dolley Madison earned a place in history when she stole away from the White House with crucial government documents and a portrait of George Washington as the British stormed the capital during the War of 1812.
Part 4: Ray, Dee Dee welcome Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland. They introduce the Red Cross representatives, Mary Brant, Communications Manager and Eddie Scott, Account Manager & Donor Recruitment both of the Northern New England Region. They are here to ask for blood donations, they are at a two day supply. They strive to always have a five day supply. Mary tells us difference of the different between type “O+” and “O-“. Ray asks how long can the blood last on the shelf. Mary explains why summer is typically lower in blood drives and donations, but also people go on vacations and are busy. They talk about how to find out if you have questions about medications or other eligibility questions.
Part 5: The continue to talk about the Red Cross and Bob reads where the logo came from and they announce a marathon Blood Drive at the Cinemagic in Westbrook on Friday, July 26th & Saturday July 27th 10am-10pm Westbrook. For more information or answer to questions, visit: www.redcross.org.
Part 6: Ray, Bob, Debi and David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Today’s topic is Maine Employers and how important it is for them to understand employees and their needs. It isn’t just about money, but other things that are needed to once they hire someone.
Part 7: Ray, Bob an Debi continue to discuss infrastructure for the business world. Train service and other things that help employees.
Part 8: Ray welcomes Trump2020‘s Strategic Communications Director Mark Lotter. They continue to talk about some of the things Ray had said earlier in the first segments. They talk about socialist’s plan of medical care and benefits vs Capitalism. We need most of all to use the grassroots effort. Matt explains what he means. Ray reads something that he wrote and Matt agrees with him. We need to look forward he says that if you would like to help or get the correct information, visit DonaldJTrump.com.
Part 9: Ray gets some texts and he asks that they at least give a first name because he only gets a phone number. He explains the things that we are up against and why he says what he says. We are fighting for the very core of our country. It is time to stand up and BE BOLD!
Part 10: Ray welcomes Pat Callaghan of News Center Maine. They talk a little bit of the Mueller testimony and Report. They discuss the Russian interference and the other influences of elections and campaigns. They talk about the People’s Veto movements and some of the issues that will bring people together.
Part 11: Ray and Pat continue to discuss the People Veto Issues. In particular, Doctor assisted suicide, taxpayer paid abortion, and the immunization bills are the ones that they think will be the ones that will be challenged. Ray brings up that this will be the most contentious elections cycle and asks Pat how they will cover it.