Part 1: Ray plays You Ain’t Ready from Skillet a Christian Rock Band. He heads to the “Letter of the Day: R”. Ray lists several of the “R” words that are already being thrown around by the elected folks. The biggest of the “R” words would be racist. Ray talks about the truth and how we can’t speak truths because if we do, you are branded with a scarlet “R”. He continues with the conditions in Baltimore and Chicago and ends up with Flint Michigan.
Part 2: Ray leads with the tragedy on Sunday at Northern California’s Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California. Ray says that this will renew the battle cry to take our guns. We need to stand tall and protect our Constitution and the rights giving to us with the Bill of Rights.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: Alexander Hamilton, (Jan 11, 1755 – Jul 12, 1804), During the Revolutionary War, Hamilton first served with the New York militia and later become an aide to General George Washington. After the war, he practiced law and founded the Bank of New York. He also served in the state legislature in New York. Hamilton was well known for his belief in a strong central government. He was the country’s first Secretary of the Treasury, and can still be seen as the face on the nation’s ten dollar bill. He was considered to be a political philosopher and was a coauthor of the Federalist Papers along with James Madison, and John Jay. Jefferson’s coalition became known as the Democratic-Republicans and a rivalry between top party member Aaron Burr developed. The election of 1800 became a competition between the top two party leaders as the Federalist’s ideas had lost much of their appeal to the new Americans. Burr lost to Jefferson and became vice-president. Hamilton created the New York Post shortly after this and developed an intense feud with Aaron Burr. This eventually led to a famous duel which ended with Hamilton being shot. The day after the duel he died from his gunshot wounds.
Part 4: Ray talks about a question that was posed by the sage of K’bunk “Non-English speaking folks from half-way around the world can learn of the opportunity for a better life here in America, and can find the gumption and resources to get here. Why don’t English speaking American citizens living in our municipal areas just collect their loved ones and travel a few hundred miles, avail themselves of the same resources, and start anew. Past Americans have pulled up stakes and headed West for opportunity(s). Is it that entities like the Catholic and Lutheran charities find aiding immigrants a better means to fundraise?” Ray does his best to address this question. He goes back to Cummings and how it goes back to “Racism”.
Part 5: Ray continues with Baltimore and Rep. Elijah Cummings and how he isn’t doing anything for his constituents but stir the racism pot. Ray reminds people that the racism card goes both ways.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Adrienne Bennett of FO Bailey Real Estate. Ray asks Adrienne about her past and how she got into real estate industry and why she chose FO Bailey. She responds that as a reporter and working with Governor LePage and how important trust and integrity is with all of the jobs and working relationships that she has had. Ray asks about her FO Bailey story and she tells how she met David and the signs that pointed her toward FO Bailey.
Part 8: Ray wants to know if the editorial board is racist because they agreed with Trump from an editorial in the past about the conditions in Baltimore. Ray takes a call from Dave in Westbrook who talks about mental illness and Ray brings up mandatory reporting. Ray doesn’t think that they are accurate, Ray’s second point is background checks aren’t done right because the mandatory reporting isn’t done correct. Dave also takes it a step further with thinking that some of the video games glorify violence. Ray agrees.
Part 9: Ray takes a call and he and his wife own guns and shoot, but are not hunters. He continues with the thought about how video games can give kids a blurred line between reality and fantasy. Ray tells a story that his pastor told from the pulpit. Ray points out again how Donald Trump’s Twitter account is destroying American but the entertainment industry has played no part in what is happening in our country.
Part 10: Ray addresses some of the text messages that he has gotten from people that can’t call in. He takes a call from from someone that wants a form of registration of guns so that the guns can be tracked. She talks about mental illness. She agrees that you can take the guns away because it is way to easy to get a gun. Ray states that we need to de-stigmatize mental illness.
Part 11: Ray continues with the gun issue. Ray states that law abiding citizens don’t go around shooting people. It is a person that is struggling with mental illness. Ray says that he is not leaving Facebook, just taking a step back so that he can focus on finishing his book. He tells everyone that it is about Donald Trump. Ray talks about the culture of our country.