Part 1: Ray gives a huge shout out to all of the people that helped his mama yesterday. She had a small medical emergency on her flight up to Maine from Florida yesterday. The staff of Frontier Airlines called the EMS and stayed with her and with Ray on the phone to help. The EMS treated her like she was their own mom. Then, the Emergency Room and the whole staff at Maine Medical Hospital were more than respectful and kind.
Part 2: Ray reads a story off of Fox News about the Four Horseman billboard calling four Democratic minority congresswomen “idiots.” The sign advertising Cherokee Guns in Murphy, 240 miles west of Charlotte, features photos of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. The group of freshman lawmakers is collectively known as the “Squad.”
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: James Wilson (Sep 14, 1742 – Aug 21, 1798) Born in Scotland. He emigrated to America in 1766, carrying a number of valuable letters of Introduction with him. Through these connections he began tutoring and then teaching at the Philadelphia College. The remainder of his life was miserable. His wife had died in 1786. In 1792 he returned again to speculation in land New York and Pennsylvania. His finances were completely destroyed within a short time and he spent some time in a debtors prison (while still serving on the Supreme Court!). By 1798, Wilson was destroyed as a man as well. He complained of great mental fatigue and an inability to work any longer. He died while visiting a friend in North Carolina that same year.
Part 4: Ray talks about Mayor Pete quoting the Bible and how ironic. He also talks about some of the other Democratic Candidates. Ray also expands on the story about how the Dems lost in court.
Part 5: Ray runs over to the Big Jab to thank everyone that helped his mama yesterday so Dee Dee and Debi take over. They talk about a story out of Canton Michigan about a 10 year old boy being charged with aggravated assault for hitting someone in the face with a ball while playing a game of dodgeball. Ray comes back to the station and re-thanks the EMS and Maine Med staff.
Part 6: Ray talks about a list put out by Orkin Pest Control about the most rat/rodent control management listed by state. He continues to read how damaging the rodents can be and how to control them. This leads to the discussion about the Mayor of Baltimore waiting for President Trump to call him to give him money to fix Baltimore’s problems. Ray continues to talk about the working class of America and names a great book about the forgotten man. Ray takes a call from Arthur Langley and they chat about the cost.
Part 7: Ray talks about Discovery Channel’s Shark Week and reads and email from Bob “The Sage of Kennebunk” about how the Great White shark should be renamed because it is a racist name.
Part 8: Ray is really tired of everything being racist. They take a call from Bill of Casco and he compliments Debi and Dee Dee. They talk about the media biased coverage on the Democrats verses Republicans. Ray gives a couple of examples. Debi bring up that there was a surplus in Maine’s budget. Ray points out that it comes from Governor LePage because Gov. Mills’ budget didn’t take effect until July 1. They take another call about healthcare.
Part 9: Ray reads a story from The Hill about how the warmer weather and the Maine Lobster. He says this is another reason to invade Canada.
Part 10: Ray welcomes Dr. Lori Parham, State Director of AARP Maine to the studio. They talk about some of Lori’s personal journey. She was the Former State Director for AARP Florida. They talk about long term care and hospice care has changed and varies from state to state. They talk about the “call” for working in hospice. It isn’t something that just anyone can do and Lori gives a personal story. Ray reads a question about a non-profit and for profit hospice facilities. They discuss this in the next segment.
Part 11: Ray poses the questions again and Lori explains the differences. She explains how hospice came to be and the cost. Ray asks her about the differences in costs. Ray asks her what are the important questions to ask before hospice. Ray asks about a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order.