Part 1: Ray talks about the meteor showers happening tonight and recalls a story from when the kids where little. He is frustrated with and doesn’t see anything changing in the world about the division of our country. He doesn’t see it changing as long as there is social media, 24/7 news, and this leads to the discussion about the athletes on an United State Team taking a knee on the podium after winning the gold.
Part 2: Ray continues with pride in the United States and being on a United States team. He also brings up Lance Armstrong, who is an American former professional road racing cyclist who was stripped of all his titles after an investigation revealed that he was the key figure in a wide-ranging doping conspiracy while he compiled his Tour victories, about a weekend incident in which he overtook Vice President Mike Pence on a Nantucket, Massachusetts, bike path.
Part 3: Ray welcomes Guy Lebida and Jesus Laurelez in studio. They are here to explain why they are running several people’s veto initiatives. He explains which ones that they are trying to repeal. LD 798, the Immunization bill, LD 820, taxpayer paid abortion, and LD 1282, Establishing a Green New Deal for Maine”. Guy needs help in getting these petitions circulated and gathering signatures to get them on the ballot. If you can help on one or all of these petition campaigns to stop the some of the madness of the latest legislative session, visit to find how you can help. It is time to Be Bold!
Part 4: Today’s History Lesson: John Knox Witherspoon (February 5, 1723 – November 15, 1794) was a Scottish-American Presbyterian minister, president of Princeton, tutor to James Madison and other founders, and the sole cleric to sign the Declaration of Independence.
Part 5: Ray talk about open borders and human trafficking. Director and activist Jaco Booyens touted President Trump’s historic work in fighting sex trafficking and defended Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as “incredible people” who helped keep children safe. He states that Hilary Clinton wanted to have open hemispheric borders. Ray points out that there have been in existence since the Bible.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Conner Richardson with FO Bailey Real Estate for our weekly real estate segment. They talk about how Conner got into real estate. The discussion turns to buyers. They chat about some of the things that he talks about with buyers to get the right home for them. They talk about the some of the financing options. Conner explains that even if you don’t have a credit score or have had a recent bankruptcy you might be able to qualify. Ray mentions that there are special financing available to Veterans.
Part 7: Ray and Conner discuss some of the listings that are available from FO Bailey. One listing he has is land out in Hollis at 119 Bear Hill Road. It is big enough for a subdivision or golf/disc golf course. He also has one that will be available soon in Standish. A nice 3 bedroom in a great location. David Jones still has a couple of subdivision properties available in two different subdivisions in Brunswick, Autumn View Subdivision and Chamberlain Woods. Call David Jones or Conner Richardson today. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or Richardson’s info is: cell: 207-570-8528 or Contact him today!!
Part 8: Ray talks about the left’s ideas of government funded medicare for all. Ray continues with explaining his thoughts on how scary it is that this is even being thought of. If we elect Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris or someone else of their “ilk”, we will become a “new” Venezuela. Ray takes a call from Steve. He, of course, blames everything on Trump. He and Ray have a discussion with several points including socialism, oil, medicare, electric cars.
(Audio technical difficulty) Part 9: Ray gives a brief preview of the rest of today’s show. He then reads a story about the protests in the Hong Kong. Hong Kong International Airport said in a statement that the demonstration “seriously disrupted” airport operations. It said all check-in services for departing flights had been suspended. It said only those flights that have already completed the check-in process will move ahead. “I support them, though I don’t agree with all their methods,” Annie Chan, an accountant, said at a shopping plaza that protesters briefly occupied.
Part 10: Ray welcomes Corey Lewandowski. Ray asks about his being recruited by the GOP to run against Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire. Corey tells us what his real job is and what he actually does. They talk about the Trump 2020 rally that is coming to New Hampshire. He explains what to do and not to do in order to get into the event. This is a free event, but space is limited. They continue to discuss some of the rhetoric that has been following the President. The media’s coverage and lack of coverage. Go to for more information and to get tickets for this event.
Part 11: Ray reiterates that the space is limited at the Trump 2020 in New Hampshire. Ray talks about the death of Jeffrey Epstein.