08-27-19 Tuesdays are for Trump
Part 1: Ray goes down the millennial rabbit hole of trying to answer a question posed by one of his sons. The question was do they realize what will truly happen if we go to a popular vote for President? What should Maine even bother to vote? Ray explains the “slow boil” of the Democrat plan.
Part 2: This segment is about Physician Assisted Suicide. Ray reads a story from the Portland Press Herald and gives his thoughts about it.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: George Taylor (c. 1716 – February 23, 1781) Little is known about George Taylor. He was a working man and little concerned with politics, though he acted in service to his nation when called. He was born in Northern Ireland and emigrated to America in his early twenties. He was an Ironmaster at the Warwick Furnace and Coventry Forge. Later he and a partner leased an iron furnace in Bucks County. Iron production was his principal concern all of his life. Taylor was elected to the provincial assembly for Pennsylvania in 1764, and was reelected for five consecutive years. He was a member of the committee to draft the instructions of Pennsylvania delegates to the first Continental Congress, a member of the Committee of Correspondence, and of the Committee of Safety. In 1775 he was appointed to replace a member of the Pennsylvania delegation who refused to support Independence. He arrived too late to vote, but did sign the Declaration. He served Congress through 1777. He was then elected to the new Supreme Council of his state, but served for only six weeks, apparently due to illness. There is no record of any public service afterward. He died in 1781 at the age of 65.
Part 4: Ray and David Jones discuss Joe Walsh and why he is upset. He is a former Tea Party Leader and held a seat as an elected person, which got him to have a national talk show. Somehow, he looses his job (because he is a candidate) and it is Trump’s fault.
Part 5: Ray and David talk about when President Obama was President he was always saying that if the wealthy shared their wealth, they could save a lot of money. Well, for a couple of people that have never held anything but a government job, they are wealthy enough to build a couple of really big houses. David points out that they are with borders around them.
Part 6: Ray and David welcome Dr. Demi Kouzounas and Maine State Senator Jeff Timberlake join in the discussion. They talk about the nursing homes and them not being funded, the bond packages and some of the other things that they were called back to vote on without prior knowledge of the bills/bonds. Sen. Timberlake stresses that they were not invited to talk about any of the bills or bond packages.
Part 7: Ray, David and Demi talk about the the Johnson & Johnson court ruling and the opioid addiction problems that are ravaging our country. As a doctor, Demi discusses the hows and whys this has become such a devastating problem. They talk about the government’s role.
Part 8: David, Demi and Ray talk about nursing homes in this really short segment.
Part 9: Ray describes another truly great Mainer, Bill Schneider. Then they talk about how Sarah Gideon calls Mainers sheep. She believes that we will go along with whatever is being said and not stand up for the truth. Demi reminds the audience about Sarah Gideon. Who and where she is truly from and has called Gov. LePage a racist. Ray reads a fundraising email from Sarah’s campaign. They go down the road a little bit and remind us of how the Democrat party has had a long road of history’s suppressing and enslaving people.
Part 10: Ray reads a text from a listener about him “assuming” that an email from Sarah’s campaign about raising money. The whole room agrees that if she didn’t approve the email then she should send the money raised by that email, she should give it all back. Demi says “would you vote for someone that doesn’t have a handle of what is being sent out in her name”?