09-26-19 Ukrainian Controversy
Part 1: Ray and Debi discuss the Ukraine “collusion” charge against Trump. The US House has decided to call for an Impeachment Investigation. They chat about the conversation between Trump and the Ukrainian President. To read the unclassified transcript of President Trump’s July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, click here. Debi asks him to explain in detail just how detrimental this hunt to “get” Trump. Ray reiterates that the media is just as to blame the downfall of the downfall and tensions in our country. We can’t get the truth about anything.
Part 2: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi are joined by Bob Witkowski. They continue the discussion about the media and the “Lefties”.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: William Hooper (June 28, 1742 – October 14, 1790) was born in Boston Massachusetts in 1742. He graduated from Harvard College in 1760, continued his studies in the law, and settled in Wilmington, North Carolina in 1767. In 1773 he represented Wilmington in the General Assembly of North Carolina. He attended the Continental Congress in 1774. He resigned from the Congress in 1776 and returned home. In 1789 he was appointed to the Federal Bench, but a year later he retired due to failing health. He died in October of 1790.
Part 4: Ray, Bob and Debi act out the transcript that was released by the White House between US President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Part 5: Bob appologies for his Ukrainian accent. Ray gives a heads up to some of the guests coming up on this morning’s show. They continue to discuss Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler and the guess who’s back….that’s right Hillary Clinton.
Part 6: Ray reads and comments on a story from the Washington Post about Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire will testify before House lawmakers this morning about an explosive complaint by a whistleblower from the U.S. intelligence community that helped touch off an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Ray gets really frustrated and wound up. Then, he takes a call from Liberal Steve and Ray gets even more frustrated.
Part 7: Ray and the gang welcome a call from Pete McVety. He has first hand knowledge of how something gets transcribed on a call similar to the Ukrainian/Trump phone conversation. Pete did transcribing for the Department of Defense and describes the process step by step. Bob asks how things are checked and balanced.
Part 8: Ray, Bob and Debi laugh as Ray gives a memory of the song Debi played at the beginning of the segment. Ray introduces his guest, Mercedes Schlapp is an American lobbyist and columnist. From September 2017 to July 2019, she served as White House Director of Strategic Communications in the Trump administration. Since July 2019, she has worked on the Trump 2020 re-election campaign. Ray asks her about the press’ role in reporting bad intel. They talk about Hillary Clinton’s Listening Tour and what her involvement could possibly be up to now. Elizabeth Warren is also discussed. Ray and Mercedes talk about the “whistleblower” complaint and the facts will be coming out as this unfolds.
Part 9: Pat Callaghan of News Center Maine joins Ray by phone. They laugh about Ray not following format. Ray asks Pat about the Ukrainian investigation and the media coverage. They chat about Nancy Pelosi and how she has to follow her party. Ray explains the process of impeachment. It isn’t a one-sided accusation, the accused will be able to defend his position as well and the investigation that will be going along with it.
Part 10: They talk about the Caribou Maine Astronaut, Jessica Meir, and finish up with the investigation, and the media frenzy of a Constitutional Crisis. Ray explains the process of an impeachment.