10-11-19 Friday Fun
Part 1: Ray plays part of the Trump 2020 rally in Minneapolis Minnesota. President Trump was in rare form last night. He used his rally in Minneapolis Thursday night to hit some of his favorite targets. He mentions Joe Biden, Ilhan Omar and other key campaign opponents. Ray talks about the protesters and that they were throwing urine at people.
Part 2: Ray plays more of the rally where Trump is talking about Minnesota’s Rep. Omar and the Anti-American things that she has said and done. Ray talks about the left calling Trump old and his health can’t handle the Presidency. Ray wants to know if Trump sounds weak and frail. Ray says that the opponents call him corrupt because he has money. He says to look at the people that have been in office and where they were financially when they came in and where they are now.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: Thomas Heyward, Jr. (July 28, 1746-March 6, 1809) was born in South Carolina in 1746. He received a classical education at home and continued in legal studies, which he completed in England. In 1775 he was elected to the Continental Congress, where he signed the Declaration of Independence. In 1778 he returned to South Carolina to serve as a Judge. He was taken prisoner by the British while in command of a Militia force during the siege of Charleston. He resumed his Judgeship following the war, and retired in 1798. He died in March of 1809 at age 62.
[No Audio is available]
Part 4: Ray plays more of the Minnesota rally where he is talking about Maine and how he won a point here. Wayne Parry joins Ray in studio. He is running for office again and Ray asks him about the difficulties of being a lobsterman and running for office. Wayne explains when his busy time and they talk about the cycles of lobsters. They talk about carbon and carbon dioxide. They talk about Gov. Mills visit to the U.N. and how they are being willfully stupid. They Maine Legislature doesn’t believe that people should earn their way with a hand UP, not a hand OUT! They talk about affordable housing in Portland. Wayne says that there has never been affordable housing in Portland. They talk about rent control and taxes are causing big problems.
Part 5: Ray plays more of the Trump Rally….He and Wayne talk about how cold the water has been and makes it difficult for lobsters to grow. This goes against the Climate Warmer’s premise. They also talk about the regulations to protect the right whales.
Part 6: Ray talks about the road that leads to Obama. As the impeachment inquiry continues, how many people are about to fall. Obama could do no wrong and nobody list. They talk about Meet the Press and how biased the media has become. Chuck Todd is beyond bias. What about all of the scandals that happened during Obama’s administration that Obama “didn’t” know about, but was very consequential, including the email scrubbing.
Part 7: Ray plays more of the Minnesota Trump 2020 rally from last night.
Part 8: He starts off with more of the rally. Trump talks about Mike Lindell of the MyPillow franchise. Wayne Parry is still in the house. Ray talks about how the media can’t control him because he is his own man. He has his Twitter account and speaks directly to the people. They move on to the State of Maine and the taxes and bonds and the mis-management of the budget. Governor Mills just wants to spend everything there is in the rainy day fund. They talk about the supplemental budget that is coming in January.
Part 9: Ray plays more Trump 2020. He and Wayne Parry talk about all of the ties that the Democratic elected folks in the United States Congress have to Ukraine…Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Ray names some of the things that they have tried to pin on Trump, but it all seems to backlash, but the truth doesn’t seem to matter.
Part 10: Ray plays more of the rally from last night. Ray is joined by Gregg Jarrett of Fox News by phone. He is a FOX News Legal Analyst, Host and Commentator. They discuss the Witch hunt of Trump and obstruction of justice. Gregg has written a couple of books. The latest is, Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History and available everywhere. He highlights his well-reasoned evisceration of a small group of powerful government officials who colluded with others, including foreign sources, and broke numerous laws as they convinced tens of millions that the president is a traitor—without a shred of evidence.
Part 11: Ray wraps up the show…..