10-21-19 Energizing Monday
Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee talk about some of the crazy political things that happened over the weekend. They talk about Hillary Clinton since the 2016 loser claimed Dem. Presidential Candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is a “Russian asset” being groomed to ensure that President Donald Trump is re-elected.
Part 2: Ray talks a little more about Tulsi and her response to Hillary’s claim on Twitter.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: Robert Morris (January 20, 1734-May 9, 1806) He was born in Lancashire, England. He was a Delegate to the Continental Congress, 1775, Appointed Special Commissioner of Finance, 1776; Author of the plan for a National Bank, 1781; Financial Agent of the United States, 1781; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Legislature, ca. 1783; Delegate to the Constitutional Convention, 1787; United States Senator, 1789-95; Appointed Secretary of the Treasury, 1789. This was a really long biography. Ray reads all of the biography provided from the History Channel.
Part 4: Ray talk about the media propaganda and how they sneak things into articles and opinion pieces. Ray names a few of the shows and papers that are against the intent of the Founding Fathers because they try to indoctrinate their ideas. He gives an example that was about an opinion piece that was in the Portland Press Herald that was headlined: Our View: We are having the wrong debate over school meals eligibility. Somehow it turned into impeachment. He also talks about the hit piece on Garrett Mason. He references PPH article: Candidate for Maine governor paid Clean Elections money to future employer.
Part 5: Ray responses to some of the text requests to read Tulsi Gabbard’s response to Hillary via Twitter.
Part 6: Ray talks about the embracing of socialism that the Democrats are using to beat Trump at the ballot box. He starts off with the minimum wage fight and how they have equated jobs with people. Ray also talks about socialism and how Elizabeth Warren’s plan to have Medicare for all. Ray expands on his thoughts.
Part 7: Ray takes a call from Tony Bessey and they discuss the role of Unions and their benefits. Ray continues with the role of insurance companies after Medicare for all.
Part 8: Ray welcomes Jamie Py of Maine Energy Marketers. Before they get to Jamie, they take a call from Maine Representative Mark Blier, (represents the residents of Limington, Standish (Part), Buxton (Part) and Limerick (Part), about minimum wage and the impact raising it has had on Maine’s people. Ray asks Jamie about how the minimum wage increase will “help”. Ray and Jamie talk about what could be next.
Part 9: Ray and Jamie talk about some of the things happening in Augusta. Jamie talks about some of the legislation passed in the last session. One of the things is the Climate Change Council. Ray asks him what are the credentials the people on this council have. Jamie talks about a secret meeting about climate with The Transportation and Climate Initiative.
Part 10: Jamie talks about the Governor’s plan to get more heat pumps installed into homes. He describes what a heat pump is and the one that Gov. Mills is pushing. He talks about the pros and cons. He stresses that the market is evolving so quickly, that we should let the free market do their job. He and Debi play with an app (ISO To Go,This free application from ISO New England will help you better understand the regional power grid that serves Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. With detailed pricing data, power system status updates, and customizable notifications, you can follow how changing grid conditions affect wholesale electricity prices and the fuel mix used to keep your lights on.) that he suggests everyone have it. The boys welcome Fox News’ Bret Baer. They chat about the Impeachment Inquiry and the vote. Bret has written a gripping history of the secret meeting that set the stage for victory in World War II—the now-forgotten 1943 Tehran Conference, where Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin plotted the war’s endgame, including the D-Day invasion. Three Days at the Brink will be available wherever books are sold beginning October 22, 2019. You can find out it tomorrow anywhere books are sold and for a full list on Bret’s website. Ray continues his discussion with Jamie about energy.