10-23-19 Wonderful Wednesday
Part 1: Ray talks about the Portland Mayor race. Ray takes a call from Larry about schools offering a personal day off.
Part 2: Ray gives a scenario about how much you can trust your elected folks.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: Roger Sherman (April 19, 1721 – July 23, 1793) was a longtime and influential member of the Continental Congress (1774-81 and 1783-84). He won membership on the committees that drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation, as well as those concerned with Indian affairs, national finances, and military matters. To solve economic problems, at both national and state levels, he advocated high taxes rather than excessive borrowing or the issuance of paper currency. While in Congress, Sherman remained active in state and local politics, continuing to hold the office of judge of the Connecticut Superior Court, as well as membership on the council of safety (1777-79). In 1783 he helped codify Connecticut’s statutory laws. The next year, he was elected mayor of New Haven (1784-86). Although on the edge of insolvency, mainly because of wartime losses, Sherman could not resist the lure of national service. In 1787 he represented his state at the Constitutional Convention, and attended practically every session. Not only did he sit on the Committee on Postponed Matters, but he also probably helped draft the New Jersey Plan and was a prime mover behind the Connecticut, or Great, Compromise, which broke the deadlock between the large and small states over representation. He was, in addition, instrumental in Connecticut’s ratification of the Constitution. Sherman concluded his career by serving in the U.S. House of Representatives (1789-91) and Senate (1791-93), where he espoused the Federalist cause. He died at New Haven in 1793 at the age of 72 and is buried in the Grove Street Cemetery.
Part 4: It has been requested that Ray explain the Impeachment Process and what is the procedure. Ray and David Jones discuss President Trump and that he won’t back down or quit. He will get his day in court to rebuke the charges that are against him. They talk about the tax roles and tax cuts.
Part 5: Ray tries to re-explain tax cuts and how the Democrats have lied about them for years.
Part 6: FO Bailey Real Estate Segment starts with Ray introducing David Jones and David’s guest Dale Holman who specializes in commercial real estate. Before they get into real estate Ray reads the Declaration that was read into Congressional history by Sen. Susan Collins. Dale’s most recent sale was the Westbrook Market and how people are looking for investments. Ray reads a story an article about the market. David asks Dale why he decided to come onto the FO Bailey team. You can reach Dale either by cell: 207-409-9307 or email: dale@fobailey.com.
Part 7: Ray, Dale Homes and David talk about some of the great listings that FO Bailey has listed and that are going to be coming up. If you would like more information on any of their listings or are interest in joining the FO Bailey team, contact David, office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or email:info@fobailey.com.
Part 8: Ray and David welcome Thorn Dickinson of Central Maine Power (CMP) to discuss the Corridor. Ray asks him where it stands right now. Thorn talks about the different boards and commissions that they have been in front of to explain their ideas and plans. Thorn explains some of the benefits by having the corridor, lower taxes, cleaner energy and not to mention the jobs that will be created and the creation of broadband and cellphone coverage. Ray mentions Matt Jacobson and that his job was to bring companies in, but was against the wall with the cost of energy. Thorn talks about the more creation of clean energy that Governor Mills has mandated. Ray brings up the nefarious things that some of the opposition has done in Farmington. Ray talks about the other side always railing about “dark money” in politics unless it supports their cause. Thorn brings up that the rules keep changing after the game has already begun. Ray continues with that thought.
Part 9: Ray welcome Japhet (Jay) Els and Harrison Quidort of AARP Maine. They talk about the town hall events that they have been having around the state about prescription drug prices.
Part 10: They talk about retirement programs. Jay and Ray disagree about the opt in/opt out programs.