10-28-19 Monday’s Mischief
Part 1: Ray talks about the Sen. Elijah Cummings and his long reign in office. He also talks about term limits. Fox News Radio’s Simon Owen joins Ray to talk about Al-Baghdadi. Simon gives some details about how he died. Ray asks Simon about the new leadership of Isis and what could be their new plan.
Part 2: Ray reads a story from News Center Maine about Maine. It has been put on a travel publishers list and ranked Maine at the top of its 2020 destination list. He gets to taxes and the revenue that Maine is losing out on because we don’t adopt a taxes that are aimed at the tourists.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: Abraham Woodhull (October 7, 1750 – January 23, 1826) was a leading member of the American Culper Spy Ring in New York City and Setauket, New York during the American Revolutionary War. He used the alias “Samuel Culper” (later “Samuel Culper Sr.”) which was a play on Culpeper County, Virginia suggested by George Washington. The Culper Ring was a successful operation which provided Washington with valuable information on the British Army headquartered in New York from October 1778 until the end of the war. After the United States gained independence, Woodhull served as a magistrate, as his father did before him, and he served as a judge in Suffolk County, New York.
Part 4: Ray reads a story about reparations. Princeton Theological Seminary announced its plans to finance reparations, making it the second theological institution in the nation, after Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Va., to do so. Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker joins Ray. They talk sports for a quick minute. The discussion turns to Al-Bangdadi. Ray asks Jon about the headline change. Jon and Ray talk about the horrific actions that this guy did. Ray asks Jon about the President’s decision not to inform the Speaker of the House and other leaders about this military operation.
Part 5: Ray talks about the FBI, General Flynn, the CIA, President Obama, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, the text, the emails and all of the other crazy things that they have been doing over the years. He states that if the shenanigans going on were an average person….they would have been charged with a crime. Ray talks about the people that have been charged and convicted that have been associated with Trump. Ray says that this is nothing more than a coup.
Part 6: Ray talks about the military and they are the ones on the line and it is their bravery that execute an order. They are the ones that got Bin Laden and they are the ones that got Al-Bagdadi. Not the President that was in office at the time. Ray talks about the 2nd District Congressional Race and Sarah Gideon, the Rhode Island Carpetbagger. She is taking credit for the checks that the state will be sending out, even though it was scheduled back when LePage was Governor. He also talks about her not taking big money, but Ray explains the background of the PAC that is funding her. Ray talks about the efforts that the Democrat machine is willing to do and that we need to work just as hard.
Part 7: Ray gives a rundown of the 8:00 hour. Then he talks about Franklin Graham and his call to stand up to the abortion crowd. Ray explains what the Constitution really says, what it really means, not how it is interpreted. Ray talks about the candidates for President on the left and how they have been slowly trying to eroding our Constitutional rights. He gives specific examples.
Part 8: Ray welcomes Team Westbrook in studio. Phil Spiller (Mayor), Deb Shangraw (Ward 1), Mayor Mike Sanphy (Mayor), Larry McWilliams (Ward 5). Deb also says that Steve Willette is also on the Team, but couldn’t be here this morning. They talk about teamwork and that this is not a party, but a very unique idea for politics. There are two people on the same team running for the same office. Phil gives his story of how he decided to run for office and his platform. Larry gives the audience how he came to be in office. Linda Adams had to step down for her new job and the party appointed Larry. He is now running to keep that seat. Deb gives some of her background and talks about her son and his journey. She hopes that they can help other people to not travel down his path. Deb and Ray talk about housing and homeless. Ray asks Phil what is the first thing he would like to achieve as mayor. Ray brings up Halloween on Main Street. He asks Mayor Sanphy the same question. He says that tax relief is one of his priorities. Larry’s is taxes as well. He is a business owner and is frugal (thanks to his wife). He and Phil both thank the team for all of the hard work and team comradery. Ray asks both mayor candidates how will the other candidate play a part in the others cabinet.
Part 9: Ray welcomes Sea Bags back and this time Beth Shissler, President brings in Julia Bachelder of Maine Cancer Foundation. They talk about the new design for Breast Cancer Awareness. They talk about the WLOB and Ray’s involvement in the Breast Cancer Awareness License Plate. Julia talks about how important it is to continue to talk about cancer because it affects more than just women. It affects men, women and children, they might not have or get cancer, but they probably love someone that has or had cancer.
Part 10: Ray talks about the WLOB Radio website exceeding their bandwidth. He also announces a new series he will be kicking off in January about Women in Business.