10-29-19 Trump Tuesday
Part 1: Ray thanks the audience for listening. He explains our website issues and how exceeding bandwidth. He talks about Rep. Jared Golden and how he will probably vote for the Impeachment inquiry.
Part 2: Ray talks about Sen. Lindsay Graham. He and Sen. John McCain’s relationship and maybe McCain had been influencing Graham against Trump. Lindsay Graham has now found his voice and has become a supporter of Trump and the Constitution. Ray goes on to explain the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. He also goes into detail about the procedure of the Articles of Impeachment and that it isn’t the same as going through the courts. Ray says that if this proceeds they will be unleashing the Dogs of Hell.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: Martha Washington (Jun 02, 1731-May 22, 1802) was the wife of George Washington, the first President of the United States. Although the title was not coined until after her death, Martha Washington served as the inaugural First Lady of the United States. As the wife of the Continental Army’s commander-in-chief, Martha Washington was integral to a fundraising campaign that called upon woman to donate money, clothing and supplies to the Revolutionary cause. Martha also traveled to be at Washington’s side for his winter encampments, weathering the notoriously brutal season at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, in early 1778. Her residence during those periods was the social center for visiting military leaders and foreign dignitaries, and she also provided care for injured and exhausted soldiers, who greatly appreciated the efforts of “Lady Washington.”
Part 4: Ray has a bunch of people in studio, David Jones, Cumberland County District Attorney Jonathan Sahrbeck, and Garrett Mason. Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker joins in to talk about the Impeachment Inquiry. They chat about the phone call that started this journey. Jon is a lawyer and doesn’t see anything in the transcript that began it all. They talk about the difference between a political trial vs a legal trial. Ray changes phone lines and takes a call from Paul, who is a fisherman and he talks about the representation in his field. He says that the ocean is changing, but it isn’t climate change.
Part 5: Ray asks Jonathan about the “endorsement” of Micheal Foley who is running for the Mayor’s office in Westbrook. Jonathan talks about how his letter to the Editor was changed to promote one person over another.
Part 6: Jonathan tells the audience of a conference that will be held on November 2nd in Augusta. NAMI Maine’s 6th Annual Conference seeks to explore myriad paths to wellness, the consequences of when systems fail, and how they can succeed in developing resiliency and lead to recovery. It brings together diverse perspectives throughout the state, creating opportunities for conversation, creativity, and compassion. Keynote Speakers: Pat Deegan and AJ Mendez. They talk about NAMI and how important it is to be aware of mental illness. This discussion leads to the homeless problem and jail population. Ray says that this can be solved. Salt Lake City has done that we just need to care about getting it done.
Part 7: Ray and the panel welcome Bill Green. He has announced that he is retiring. He explains his decision (based on watching his wife enjoying her retirement). Ray asks him about his 47 years in broadcasting. Bill thanks his fans and audience for the great run.
Part 8: Ray reintroduces the panel in studio with him is Maine GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas, David Jones, CCDA Jonathan Sahrbeck and Garrett Mason. Garrett brings the homeless issues back up. He states that the homeless will not be solved by government, it has to be solved by the people. He goes into depth of how the Salt Lake City model worked. It was through the church. The Mormon Church stepped up and took control. Jonathan talks about the money that is made and raised with this problem. Ray says that Oprah said it right. She said that we aren’t asking the right question. Ray talks states that it starts with the church. Eastpoint Church has started this process with their Street Disciples. Garrett says that it isn’t the Government’s job to heal someone’s heart. Ray brings up Pastor Jeff and how he has been ministering to the “least of us”. Jonathan names several different organizations that have been ministering to the homeless and/or addicted people. Homeless people are still a human being and Ray feels that that detail gets lost. Ray quotes his friend Dr. Lisa Belisle. Garrett talks about the people that lead by example during the summer and the large influx of immigrants. Demi talks about her free dental care that she does and have gotten others to join. Jonathan talks about sexual trafficking and other examples. He says that people need to get out of their comfort zone and get out in the community, ask people what they need. Garrett talks about Poverty Inc.
Part 8: Ray and the gang welcome Mark Lotter by phone. He served as a Special Assistant to the President and Press Secretary to Vice President Mike Pence during most of the first year of the Trump Administration. Prior to joining the administration, he served as Press Secretary to the Vice President during the 2016 presidential campaign and transition. He and Demi discuss what is happening in Maine to re-elect President Trump. They talk about how Obama is now considered conservative and how the definition of a Democrat has changed and become way more socialist than ever. They talk about Beto and some of his ideas that go after our Constitution. They talk about the federal investigation and the Impeachment Inquiry. Ray brings up Judge Kavanaugh and his due process. Mark brings up the latest employment numbers. Ray says that we should be hosting Trump up in Maine and Mark says that Maine is not off of their radar. They talk about Lara Trump.
Part 9: Ray gives a shout out to Commander Claude Berube. Ray lets Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas have the mike. Demi has written this open letter to the owner of the Portland Press Herald, Reade Brower. Recently, attacks by a Portland Press Herald columnist suggested Sen. Susan Collins was ‘asking for it’ when radical leftists were making disgusting threats to her and her staff. She posted this exchange on the Maine GOP Facebook page. They also talk more about Maine Dentist Day. On Friday, November 1st, 2019, dentists across Maine will be teaming up for the 11th Annual Dentists Who Care for ME event. Dental professionals and specialists will be offering free oral care at their offices for adults who have no other access to dental care. The free care being offered will include cleanings, fillings, extractions or referral to a specialist. People will be able to get one treatment each. A list of participating practices is now posted – Click Here.