10-30-19 Wacky Wednesday
Part 1: Ray talks about the Shifty Schiff. This impeachment inquiry and how Sen. Adam Schiff coached the witness and would allow any of the Republicans to question the witness. They talk about the tradition vs reality of one side of the Legislative Branch criticizing the other. Ray and Debi discuss the tipping point on the United States debt. Ray says that the government needs to stop being everything to everyone and have people not depend on it for everything or we will fall.
Part 2: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi talk about the new version of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” and they discuss how politically correctness is ruining our country.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: A heroine of the Revolutionary War, Molly Pitcher was the nickname of a woman said to have carried water to American soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth on June 28, 1778, before taking over for her husband on the battlefield after he was no longer able to fight. There’s no definitive proof about who Pitcher was—and there’s debate about whether she even existed at all—but most commonly she’s been identified as Mary Hays McCauley. Born in Pennsylvania in 1754 (or possibly 1744), Mary may have worked as a servant before marrying William Hays, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. During the war, Hays served as a gunner in the 4th Artillery of the Continental Army while Mary became part of the group of women, later referred to as camp followers, who traveled with the army and took on such duties as cooking, washing and caring for sick and wounded soldiers. At the Battle of Monmouth, which took place on a sweltering summer day in Monmouth County, New Jersey, Continental forces under General George Washington faced off against British troops under General Henry Clinton. Mary brought water to the parched American troops until her husband collapsed, either from the heat or after being wounded, after which she supposedly took his place and helped operate cannon for the rest of the battle. A soldier who witnessed the action later wrote about in his diary, without referring to the woman involved by name: “While in the act of reaching a cartridge and having one of her feet as far before the other as she could step, a cannon shot from the enemy passed directly between her legs without doing any other damage than carrying away all the lower part of her petticoat.” Ray, Dee Dee and Debi welcome David Jones.
Part 4: Ray, Debi and David talk about some of the local elections for Mayor. They discuss the Biddeford candidate for Mayor that she is supporting, Jason Litalien. They talk about all of the great things that are happening in Biddeford. They move up to Portland and its Mayoral race. Ray says that he is supporting Spencer Thibodeau. They talk about the reasons why they were supporting him over Ethan Strimling the current mayor.
Part 5: Ray, Debi and David recap the last segment. Ray talks about the candidates in his hometown, Westbrook. He endorses Phil Spiller. He explains that he isn’t against anyone, but for Phil. He gives great reasons why.
Part 6: Ray and David Jones talk real estate in the FO Bailey Real Estate Segment. They talk about how appraisals work. David goes into detail about the tradespeople that are needed to do the work on your home correctly. There is a shortage of them in Maine so finding someone to do the work is very difficult. They talk about wasteful government spending and how the school system uses property taxes. David talks about the research that is done on each house that a realtor does beyond an internet search. Past taxes, schools, the number times it has been sold.
Part 7: Ray gives a shout out to Jim Grattelo. David list off several different listings that he wants to highlight. Sabattus, Yarmouth and Lincolnville.
Part 8: Ray plays a clip of William Wallace’s speech from Braveheart. David, Debi and Ray discuss how we keep our liberties. David talks about the liberty. They continue to describe the difference between the government of socialism and capitalism. They talk about the media and where to find out the information to learn about a subject. They talk about the email scandal and President Obama and the dossier.
Part 9: Ray talk about a Michelle Obama sit down interview. She was talking about “white flight” and how when they moved into a neighborhood, whites moved out. However, she neglects to mention that they did the same thing as they moved up in the world.
Part 10: Ray plays the theme song from The Jeffersons. Ray keeps on the thoughts of the Obama family and their continuation of scolding Americans. Debi talks about how Michelle seems to be trying to overcome something and looking the attention. They also talk about how she also is always claiming racism. Ray goes to Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) refused on Tuesday to approve a House resolution to recognize the Armenian genocide, and was one of just three congress members to vote “present.” He goes on to question whether she actually knows the truth about the true history of slavery.
Part 11: Ray continues on the Obama’s ideas of racism and the American Dream. He then talks about Epstein’s guards that were so overworked that they “fell asleep” while on watch. The suicide watch, the cellmate, the guy in the cell down the cellblock, Ray says that Epstein was “Clintoned”.