11-04-19 Monday
Part 1: Ray plays a clip from President Trump’s rally. Ray talks about Kentucky and its Governor Matt Bevin. He goes back to Nancy Pelosi He will be playing clips from his speech all morning. He talks about the media.
Part 2: Ray talks about the fake news and the collusion against President Trump. He brings up the editorial that was in all of the newspaper across the country a while back.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 – July 12, 1804) was an American statesman, politician, legal scholar, military commander, lawyer, banker and economist. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was an influential interpreter and promoter of the U.S. Constitution, as well as the founder of the nation’s financial system, the Federalist Party, the United States Coast Guard, and the New York Post newspaper. As the first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton was the main author of the economic policies of George Washington’s administration. He took the lead in the Federal government’s funding of the states’ debts, as well as establishing a national bank, a system of tariffs, and friendly trade relations with Britain. His vision included a strong central government led by a vigorous executive branch, a strong commercial economy, a national bank and support for manufacturing, and a strong military. Thomas Jefferson was his leading opponent, arguing for agrarianism and smaller government. He helped ratify the Constitution by writing 51 of the 85 installments of The Federalist Papers, which are still used as one of the most important references for Constitutional interpretation. Hamilton continued his legal and business activities in New York City, and was active in ending the legality of the international slave trade. Vice President Burr ran for governor of New York State in 1804, and Hamilton campaigned against him as unworthy. Taking offense, Burr challenged him to a duel on July 11, 1804, in which Burr shot and mortally wounded Hamilton, who died the following day.
Part 4: Ray plays more of Trump’s rally and his promotion of Gov. Bevin for 2024. He talks about the Jobs Report that came out on Friday. We have a special guest…Winnie Volk! Derek of Volk Packaging comes in with his dog, Winnie to razz Ray about the Georgia vs Florida game that was on Saturday. Florida lost to Georgia. Ray and Derek talk about what is happening with Volk Packaging and how they have grown. They talk about online sales and the “box season”.
Part 5: Ray talk about the Editorial Bill Nemitz piece that he wrote about Sen. Susan Collins. The owner of the Portland Press Herald, Reade Brower, has come to the party about what the role of the newspaper is suppose to be. Ray gives him props!
Part 6: Ray and Derek talk about a story that Ray reads about America’s National Anthem and how they don’t play it as a station ends broadcasting for the day because it might offend someone. Ray and Derek talk about how Derek feels that the Left side of the aisle are making these changes because they believe out of the goodness of their heart that they are making things better for people. He disagrees with all that they are doing. They talk about the changes that they far left want to make and how it is forever change America.
Part 7: Ray and Derek discuss Thunderstruck with 2Cellos. Derek tells Ray about the Thunderstruck drinking game at his daughters wedding that the “kids” played. Derek talks about his daughter and her high school game and all of the high school football game of going “home” to Scarborough for a game. They talk about all of the other kids they have and what they are up to.
Part 8: Deb Shangraw of Emerald Management, Marine Staff Sgt Will Cieza of 2019 Coordinator of Toys for Tots and Peter Levesque, President of Dirigo Kids. Since our annual event joined forces with our local Toys for Tots organization in 1994, our fundraiser has helped support over 100,000 children with over 300,000 toys to our local Maine communities. Will tells Ray how he got involved with the Toy for Tots and his personal experiences. Deb announces the TFT Dinner on December 6th at the Italian Heritage Dinner. There will be silent auction. Deb also talks about the paper trains that they want to plaster all over Maine’s Main Streets.
Part 9: Ray ask Peter to go into dept about the dinner. He would like to see more people attending the dinner to help purchase more toys. After all it is all about giving a smile to some kids. They are trying to reach the same goal if not more.
Part 10: Ray, Deb, Will and Peter continue to talk about Christmas. Peter tells how he got involved with Toy for Tots. What a tear jerking story. Ray tells them Sam the Bottle guy that was here on Friday. Ray explains that the present of Peter’s story wasn’t hugging the present because it was a present, but that someone thought he mattered. Ray will promote businesses that will support them by putting a toy box in their business.
Part 11: Ray talks about what is important. He talks about the Toys For Tots and making sure every child in Maine has a present to open on Christmas Day. They are looking for corporate sponsors for the dinner on November 6th. He says that if you will put a box in your place of business, he will give a shout out to your business periodically. Ray talks about what the Impeachment process and what it is in the political world.