11-12-19 Trump Tuesday
Part 1: Ray is talks about the “witch hunt” as the fake journalism and the Democrats that are “leading” the House and Senate don’t like the “light” that President Trump is shining on all of the players. Ray talks about the Democratic Presidential Candidates and what they are standing for and against. Ray is excited that the Democrats have called for Impeachment. It will shine the light on the bad players, including the Republicans, not just the Democrats. Ray still believes that all roads will lead right to President Obama.
Part 2: Ray plays a clip from last nights game show “Jeopardy!” . This segment is all about showing kindness to your fellow man.
Part 3: Ray and Dee Dee are joined by David Jones. The boys talk about DACA and how this issue is being used to divide our country. Why wasn’t this addressed and passed when Obama was president. Ray also brings up gun control and some of the other things that they could have taken care of when they had all of the control. Ray explains how and why Maine became a state in the country. This is a great walk through history…..
Part 4: Ray continues with his history lesson. He left off at the Civil War in the previous segment. He continues this one after Lincoln won the Election and goes up to current events. He talks about the words that begin with “S” that are have used to control. Slavery, Secession, Segregation and now Socialism.
Part 5: Ray and David talk about Capitalism. Ray talks about how Capitalism only works with morality. Ray and David talk about General Motors and we still haven’t gotten all of the money that the government has given them. Ray also brings up Ford Motor Company and their business practices. Ray compare the differences between these companies. David talks about President Trump’s promises and the website Promises Kept that shows. They talk about Nicki Healy and her new book, With All Due Respect: Defending America with Grit and Grace, that names names.
Part 6: Ray and David welcome Cumberland County District Attorney Jonathan Sahrbeck calls in to promote the Veteran’s support event happening tonight at Portland’s City Hall. This event is designed to help Veterans or anyone else that needs help. They will be in the State of Maine Room at Portland City Hall from 5:00pm – 6:30pm. This event has a lot of different groups involved and will have hands on representatives from different organizations including NAMI, Vets Count and RallyME. Then they continue to chat about the promises that candidates have made. Ray mentions Bloomberg and his crazy nanny ideas, David brings up Maine. Maine’s GOP Chairwoman Demi Kouzounas joins the boys. The take a call and it is Gordon Draper and brings up the importance of Judge appointments.
Part 7: Ray plays an All My Lovin Beatles parody, All Your Money. They talk about how well it was done. If it’s too good to be true…it probably is.
Part 8: Ray, Demi and David are joined by Former Congressman Bruce Poliquin by phone. Ray starts off with the story from University of Virginia not upholding the tradition of the 21 gun salute. Poliquin recalls a story about when a couple confronted him about open borders and couldn’t distinguish between doing it legally or illegally. They talk about the Electoral College. Bruce also names some of the crazy things that have happened with the government telling what private companies can do in California and he warns that it is coming here to Maine….They also talk about candidates and their “true” colors. He talks about the people that are running for office and their real agenda doesn’t appear until they are elected and the media helps with this sham.
Part 9: Demi, David and Ray are joined by Mark Lotter. He served as a Special Assistant to the President and Press Secretary to Vice President Mike Pence during most of the first year of the Trump Administration. Prior to joining the administration, he served as Press Secretary to the Vice President during the 2016 presidential campaign and transition. They start the conversation with the judges that have been put on the bench to preserve the American Constitution. They also talk about the differences between the Canadian healthcare system and the current American healthcare system. They discuss the employment pools and the benefits and payment history. Ray describes economic liberty that has been achieved under Trump’s leadership.
Part 10: Ray plays a clip from the Mel Gibson movie, Braveheart, that is based on a true story about Freedom. The boys explain to Demi, because she says that she can’t watch these movies, how important movies like Braveheart and The Patriot are to remind people about the sacrifices were made in the name of Freedom. Demi makes a plea for more women to get involved. She promotes the She Leads event that is happening this weekend. If you have any questions or want to learn more about the different things and ways you can do to help the conservative movement.