12-06-19 Toys For Tots Friday
Part 1: Ray talks about the Impeachment Hearings and the hypocrisy.
Part 2: Ray mocks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s news conference where she states that her Catholic faith as proof that she doesn’t “hate” President Trump, adding she continues to “pray” for him, but she doesn’t have a problem with killing an innocent little baby. He says that if she was so concerned about Americans, she would do something to help the farmers and USMCA (United States Mexico Canada Agreement).
Part 4: Ray urges people to text (207-409-6172) or more importantly call (1-877-393-8255) in to share your thoughts.
Part 5: Ray gives a shout out to Dave Ciullo, who dropped by on the break to share a goodie. Dave hosts the HR PowerHour on WLOB Radio and owner of Career Management Associates. Ray shares how good the goodie was and says thanks to Dany’s Cakes out of Turner. He also talks about Ricker Hill Farm, Jeff Timberlake’s family business. Ray talks about Socialism and Capitalism. He uses the frog in the pot story to emphasise his point. He takes a call about the left and asks how do we combat their ideology, while fearing retribution (verbally or physically). The caller brings up that the social agenda has been spread and has become the norm and even President Obama has become too centrist.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Sam the Bottle Man, Sam’s brother, Bennett the Bottle Boy and Aunt Caitlin Jordon. Sam (Rideout) the Bottle Man, the cutest now 10 year old, is raising money for the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital for the 4rd year in a row. Drop off your bottles from 8am to 5pm..any day at the South Portland Redemption Center….Come meet Sam at the Casco Bay Hockey Arena in Falmouth. He will be there most of the day tomorrow 12/7/19. He tells Ray that they have reached 10,000 bottles and still counting. He and Bennett talk about some of the things that they would like to be able to purchase for the kids and what they would like from Santa!! If you would like to donate money, you can send a check to South Portland Redemption Center, 173 Broadway, South Portland, ME 04106 or find him on Facebook.
Part 7: Ray welcomes the Toys for Tots crew back in. Peter Levesque, President of Dirigo Kids and Gunnery SGT. Drew Roberson, Advisor and Past Coordinator. The boys play catch up.
Part 8: Marine Staff Sgt Will Cieza, 2019 Coordinator of Toys for Tots, Gunnery SGT. Drew Roberson and Peter Levesque, President of Dirigo Kids. The Staff Sgt. Cieza, shares a childhood story and how TFT has been a intricate in his life. Ray says that TFT’s mission is bigger than just toys, it is saying to a kid that they matter and someone cares. Drew tells how he got involved and shares his story.
Part 9: They boys continue with the important mission of Toys for Tots, Peter talks about the Silent Auction that is happening and some of the other fundraisers happening. Not to mention their Toys for Tots Dinner on Dec. 6. For more information visit Dirigo Kids. They need your help to put a smile on a kid Christmas morning.
Part 10: Ray talks about the Jobs Report that was released this morning. He takes a couple of calls.
Part 11: Ray gives synopsis of Nancy Pelosi and her stance on the Impeachment process.