02-04-20 Trump Tuesday
Part 1: Ray talks about the upcoming State of the Union Address. He speculates on what it will be contain and the Democrat response. He talks about the Portland Press Herald’s editorial on Sen. Susan Collins. Ray stresses about how the Democrats and the media hate that America is winning again. They never promote anything that is positive that the President has done.
Part 2: Ray gives a tribute to Rush Limbaugh. He is the Godfather of talk radio. He announced yesterday that he has advanced lung cancer.
Part 3: Ray and David Jones talk about ABBA turning down $1 Billion to reforming their band. Then they talk about Gov. Mills’ supplemental budget. She wants to tax Netflix, Amazon Prime and other things like that, even though she said that she wasn’t going to have any new taxes. What will she be doing with the money? Former Governor LePage put us on the path to prosperity and she has done everything she can to destroy it.
Part 4: Ray plays a taped interview with Eric Trump. They talk about the accomplishments that President Trump has made to improve the everyday life of Americans. They also talk about ostracizing the supporters of President Trump and how his opponents are doing everything they can to continue to control the outcomes. Ray compares the Trump Administration and the Democratic Leadership to the movie It’s a Wonderful Life characters George Bailey and Mr. Potter.
Part 5: Ray and David talk about how different the country could be if the media had even been fair and balanced instead of not reporting non-truths and biased opinions. They talk about the elected people that will not even show up to the State of the Union address and the messages of the apparel of some of the others.
Part 6: Ray and David talk about Ranked Choice Voting and the sneaky way the Democrats got a law passed for Ranked Choice Voting for the President. Former Congressman Bruce Poliquin joins the boys to talk about the initiative to repeal the RCV for President that is starting today. Maine GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas joins the discussion. Bruce gives a story of why Ranked Choice Voting and how confusing it is to people and scared off voters that have voted their whole life. Demi asks Bruce about the Iowa caucus and isn’t it a variation of RCV. Bruce says that other states (NH, AL, IA)are starting to bring this farce to their state. Bruce give the website address to get involved in the repeal. RepealRankedChoice.com He reminds people of some of the promises that were made, one being that big money would be out of elections and more.
Part 7: Ray repeats the website address to help with or sign the petition to repeal RCV. He takes a call from Facebook Steve who disagrees with basically everything Ray says. They discuss Ranked Choice Voting and President Trump.
Part 8: Ray, David and Demi have gotten so many texts because of the topics this morning. Ray reads one about photo ID’s. Ray talks about the Adam Schiff and his claim that no one is above the law. They talk about how the Pelosi’s and Schiff’s of the country claiming to be using the Constitution and Bible all the while spitting on them.
Part 9: Ray, Demi and David welcome Mandi Merritt, Regional Communications Director at Republican National Committee, to discuss the Iowa caucus. They talk about the record turnout and debacle of vote counting. They talk about Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. They discuss the methodology of the election process in Iowa. The Democrats are changing the rules to let Bloomberg on the stage. Ray says what’s up with the double standard and what about Booker so that he can be a part of the debate. They talk about the positive things that will be touted tonight in the State of the Union in the hostile US House tonight.
Part 10: Ray reads a story about Kansas City Chiefs quarterback and Super Bowl champion Patrick Mahomes and having dinner. Demi reminds people to visit RepealRankedChoice.com and get involved.