05-22-20 Friday
Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about Memorial Day and what this day really means. This is the first one since General Logan’s Orders that there will not be the ceremonial remembrances of those that have given the full devotion to our country. Never forget to remember. He talks about Fred Collins and his story of service.
Part 2: Ray champions the character of America and her people. It doesn’t matter what the reason, we have always been the first to head off and help our allies and their people. He urges people to take a step back from your enjoyment of the weekend and Remember the fallen, Honor the dead and Teach our youth about what is really important and why we celebrate Memorial Day.
Part 3: Ray thanks Mark Rielly for his friendship and his service to his country and his fellow man.
Part 4: Ray gives a quick rundown of the upcoming parts of the show. He gives a shout out to Randall Farms and Jeff Timberlake of Ricker Farms. Dr. John Herzog is in the house and Ray asks him what are his normal traditions. Ray gives the Doc’s brief history since he has been coming on the show since Feb. He talks about David Jones’s testimony of his services. Dr. Herzog describes what he can do for back pain. He practices Osteopathic medicine and explains what that is. Joe Bruno sends Ray a funny picture and Ray gets the giggles. Dr. John is still taking new patients and for more information about Dr. John Herzog’s services or if you would like to set up an appointment, visit his website, Orthopedic Specialties or call, 207-781-9077, their office today.
Part 5: The sacroiliac joints link your pelvis and lower spine. They’re made up of the sacrum which is the bony structure above your tailbone and below your lower vertebrae. Ray asks Dr. John what is the sacroiliac? Ray asks is there a way to recover from back pain. Dr. John explains how he performs his diagnoses.
Part 6: Mike Hein joins the boys to talk about the Vietnam Wall. Mike gives the history of how it came to be and the process of the design, material, and the names that are on the wall. He explains what happens with the artifacts that have been left there over the years and that this memorial was built without any governmental help with funds. Ray describes his personal memories and his Uncle Billy. Mike talks about Huey Lewis’s song that was dedicated to Vietnam Vets. He gives a couple of other stories of dedication. They talk about Laurie Sidelinger and Honor Flight Maine. Mike tells Ray about his service. He also stresses that we need to go out and enjoy the fresh air, have a cookout and live our lives because the rest of the world is watching us.
Part 7: Ray plays the song Walking on a Thin Line by Huey Lewis. He reminds his audience that Corey Lewandowski will be on in the next segment.
Part 8: Ray and Dr. John Herzog welcome one of President Trump’s Senior Advisers, Corey Lewandowski. Corey tells about the event that he and Laura Trump, wife of President Trump’s son, Eric, were a part of last night. She told the story of her visit to Ricker Hill Farm in 2016. Corey describes a trip down to Washington DC to meet with the President. Ray and Corey talk about the Class-Action suit that has been filed against Governor Mills. Corey agrees that is time to reopen the businesses in Maine and the rest of the country. The government doesn’t have the right to pick and choose which businesses can open. They talk about how inept the government is and how the Democrats want do mail in voting and the fraud that has already happened. Ray brings up Maine’s unemployment fiasco regarding cases filed and paid/not paid and yet paying unemployment to prisoners. Corey says that he doesn’t trust the government and tells about the unmasking of private citizens (including him) that have anything to do with Donald J. Trump. The whole Obama administration abused the system and 4th Amendment. Ray tells the boys about a survey that he got via email that Governor Mills sent out.
Part 9: Ray talks a little about the last segment. He and Dr. John talk about Corey’s offer of a nice steak and they compare to Doc’s plant based diet. Ray urges all that are able to give a moment and remember the people that have served our country and freedom. Ray says that he is going to miss the traditions of honoring our military that will not be happening on Monday. He mentions some of the people and their stories of service. On the line is Mr. Cobb. He is a service member that will be walking Portland’s Parade route to honor Memorial Day with a police escort. He explains how this came about and his service. Ray takes a call from Arthur Langley and he explains what they are doing up country. He urges people to go to a main road in your town and stand and wave the flag. Ray takes another call about patriotism. He wishes that there was information about where something was produced not just distributed by. This brings Ray to offer his thoughts on how dependent we are on China and Richard Nixon’s warning about China.