07-03-20 Friday
Part 1: Ray are joined by Dr. John Herzog and Joe Bruno. He plays God Bless the USA by Home Free & Lee Greenwood. They talk about the financial state of Maine.
Part 2: The boys are amazed that Ray successfully played something on the board. They talk about Nancy Pelosi giving a flag to George Floyd’s family and Rayshard Brooks and that they have been made out to be upstanding citizens and that truth doesn’t matter.
Part 3: Ray talks about America and how it is the best place to live. Don’t ever forget it.
Part 4: The boys talk about the increase Covid outbreaks and the contact tracing questions. This leads to a discussion about how truly effective is a mask. Doc tells us what really happens when you wear a mask.
Part 5: Ray, Joe and Doc talk about cultural appropriations and soul music.
Part 6: Ray, Joe and Doc continue to talk about cultural appropriations and some of their favorite black musicians. They talk about racism and how blacks can be racists. This brings back a discussion about Portland Maine’s Superintendent Xavier Botana. Joe tells us about his work history.

Part 8: Ray and the boys welcomes President Trump’s Senior Adviser, David Bosse. They talk about the Republican Convention and his book,”Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency“, that he co-wrote with Corey Lewandowski. They talk about the economy and what would happen if Joe Biden were to be elected and how Americans need to know our country’s history (good and bad).
Part 9: Ray plays a song Keep America Great 2020!
Part 10: Ray talks to Doc. Herzog about Workers’ Comp. and that vicious cycle. He says that if you truly want to get to get better and back to work, come see him. Dr. John is still taking new patients and for more information about Dr. John Herzog’s services or if you would like to set up an appointment, visit his website, Orthopedic Specialties or call, 1-207-781-9077, their office today. Joe give a shameless plug for Community Pharmacy as a family run, family oriented first. He says that as one of the national has changed their hours and cut their staff, but they are all about personalized attention and are going strong. Mike called in to give an update of the Bailey Island Lobsterman Statue and the threat against that statue.
Part 11: Ray plays Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner, the National Anthem. Joe hopes everyone has a great Fourth of July and tells us why. They thank the people in uniform, not only the military, but the police that stand in harms way to protect us.