01-21-20 Thursday
Part 1: Ray Richardson opens the show discussing yesterday’s Inauguration and Biden’s plans and actions. We need to come together as a country and stop pointing fingers. Ray questions are you going to let an election make you happy or allow it to make you miserable.
Part 2: Bob Witkowski and Ray critique parts of the Inauguration, including Lady Gaga’s dress.
Part 3: Ray welcomes Steve Abbott, Chief of Staff for Senator Susan Collins Office, calls in to chat about yesterday’s Presidential Inauguration. Steve was privileged to be Sen. Collins guest and be on the stage with her and shares his thoughts. Ray asks his opinion on the Impeachment of President Trump and Biden’s words of unity.
Part 4: Ray welcomes Dave Ciullo of Career Management Services and he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Ray ask Dave about Capitol Police Chief Russ Gauvin and how social media can affect your job and how the cancel culture is alive and well, paid leave act, and the upcoming trends.
Part 5: Ray talks about people saying that Biden isn’t their President and how elections work….
Part 6: Ray talks about immigration and Pres. Biden’s plans, the word “engaged” used by the President and what was the message that was suppose to be.
Part 7:
Ray talks about the word “hate” and how it used. Dave of Westbrook calls in and expresses his concern about Pres. Biden’s plans and question how to support him while not agreeing with anything the President’s plans.
Part 8: Ray shares good news about a moratorium on interest rates. Ray takes a call about the difference between Republican and Democrats.
Part 9: Ray talks about Carry Bickford and the text message and conversation with Gov. LePage about the Right to Work with a Republican controlled Maine Legislature (Senate, House and Gov.) and goes back to the previous caller’s points. Ray takes a call from Tony who shares his frustrations. Ray talks about people that care about climate control and the deal that Pres. Biden is getting us into with countries that don’t care about the environment.
Part 10: Ray takes a call from Gunny Mike who reminds us of some of the boys that gave the last full measure. They talk about some of the items that Biden signed yesterday, the pipeline, and the countries that benefit, which by the way isn’t America. Next caller, Ethan of Saco, gives his thought on Pres. Biden’s Inaugural Address.
Part 11: Ray welcomes News Center Maine‘s Pat Callaghan. Ray and Pat share a funny memory. They discuss the Presidential Inauguration.
Part 12: Ray addresses the frustration of Republicans not supporting Republican brand/ideas.