01-27-21 Wednesday
Part 1: Ray Richardson is all over the place in crazy town including the Impeachment trial, and the Republican Senators for and against Impeachment, Biden’s influencers, his personal flip-flops, the media, abortion, Hyde Amendment, Gov. Mills’ abortion budget allocations.
Part 2: Ray talks about the Federal judge blocks Biden’s 100-day moratorium on deportations. He takes a call from someone that shares his own story.
Part 3: Ray and David give Arthur Langley a special birthday song and thank him for all the work he does to keep America great.
Part 4: Ray is joined by David Jones and JJ Jeffrey and they talk about Marilyn Monroe, Maine setting up vaccination stations
Part 5: Ray and David switch to the FO Bailey Real Estate Segment. They discuss the benefits of condo living, David also announces his new investment in Wiscasset Maine. For more information on the Wiscasset White House, click here. David talks about a property that he is looking for in Cumberland County. For more information on starting a career in Real Estate, buying or selling property, call David today. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or email:info@fobailey.com.
Part 6: Ray and David welcome friend and a fierce fighter for the Republican Party, Corey Lewandowski, Senior Political Advisor in the Trump Organization. He and the boys discuss the political climate and future.
Part 7: Ray and David praise the “plow boys” and their dedication to keeping our roads safe to travel. Ray questions why aren’t Maine’s plans for the vaccination distributions ready, we knew that it was coming, why are they just starting to plan, Arthur Langley calls in to thank the boys and talks about Corey’s interview, the Republican Party, the political swamp, and more. Another caller talks about drinking the Kool-aid and not thinking for themselves.
Part 8: Ray and David talk about the Impeachment trial and whether or not it’s Constitutional, Justice Roberts, Covid vaccine, and more. They take a call about China and a whole lot more.
Part 9: Ray brags about the turnaround time for a response to David looking for a property. He and David talk about being competitive and the cancel culture, white washing history verses laziness, excusing the behavior, Paul LePage, Mike Lindell and personal responsibility.
Part 10: Ray addresses Governor Mills’ budget and how she is planning to cover her promises.