01-26-22 Wednesday
Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Baseball Hall of Fame and he reminisces about his childhood. He then gets down to business. He talks about Tuesday night’s episode of Special Report with Bret Baier and Brett gave a serious account of the substantial and growing evidence that Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and other “experts” and officials lied.
Part 2: Ray talks about his love for Big Poppi and plays a clip. He gets back into the problem of government lifers like Fauci and Pelosi. Gunny Mike calls in to discuss the corruption with China including Pelosi.
Part 3: Ray previews the next segment.
Part 4: Shawn Roderick, Campaign Coordinator for the Maine Senate Republicans, and Maine Senate Minority Leader Jeff Timberlake join Ray to discuss some of the great candidates they have running for office. They talk about some of the plans to get them elected and urge people to step up and help get new people in the seats in Augusta. To find out how you can help, contact Shawn, W: Maine Senate Republicans – A Government Maine Can Afford (mesenategop.com) C: 207-458-2973, E: roderickshawn@gmail.com.
Part 5: Ray talks about our school systems indoctrinating Climate Change and other political hot buttons.
Part 6: Ray talks about food insecurities, empowering people, and the government’s role.
Part 7: Ray
Part 8: Ray welcomes Taylor Mannix of Middays with Mannix & Mannix, heard on our sister station, The Big Jab.
Part 9: In the Crazy Hour, Ray is really irritated by the people that were so upset that Trump spoke his mind, and now the mess we have in the Oval Office, Congress, Governor’s office, State Legislatures, not to mention the Judicial system. He takes calls about some of the crazy things that have been allowed to happen.
Part 10: Ray is proud that he has offended everyone because of the last segment.
Part 11: Ray talks about the government running our lives because we have allowed them to overtake all of our liberties. James of Augusta calls in to share the information again for the Walk for Vets.
Part 12: Ray reminds everyone about the long history of Maine Senator Bill Diamond trying to get changes in the child protection system and getting stonewalled at every turn, then poses the question as to why that might be?