03-17-22 Thursday
Segments 1-2 Ray Richardson’s opening monologue was about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. He compares Putin’s remarks about invasion to Hitler’s words.
Segments 3-4 Bob Witkowski joins Ray to chat about St. Patty’s Day, Putin, Ukraine, and more.
Segment 5 Ray talks a little bit about Russia’s threats and then welcomes Linda Ball, Vice President of Customer Service of Central Maine Power. They discuss the frivolous lawsuit and investigations against them, the dramatic rise in the CMP bills, tree cutting, transformer outages, and more. Ray gives a parting shot to the state-run utility company idea.
Segment 6 Ray is pleased to announce that his beloved University of Florida has removed the name of “Communist Manifesto” author Karl Marx from a library study room after it gained media attention.
Segments 7-8 David Ciullo, Career Management Associates, and host of The H.R. PowerHour heard Saturdays on WLOB Radio joins Ray and they start off talking about David’s ancestry. Ray asks Dave what’s new on the horizon and he says that so far is pretty quiet. They talk about making childcare givers a protected class.
Segment 9 Ray plays a beautiful version of “Oh Danny Boy” to open the segment. He takes a call from Gunny Mike. Ray expresses that he doesn’t understand why we are telling our opponents what we are planning to do before we do it and expects the plan to be effective.
Segment 10 Ray talks about inflation and how Biden and the media have been blaming Putin. He takes a call from the Trucker from Windham.
Segments 11-12 Ray talks a little bit about Ryan Fecteau’s bill and then takes calls. Ray talks about what the people in elected office have done for us.
Segment 13 Ray talks about the economy, inflation, and the pandemic effect on the economy. Ethan calls in.
Segment 14 Ray takes another call.
Segments 15-16 Ray introduces his guest Scott Jordan. He is running for office out of Cumberland and they discuss why he decided to get involved. They take calls.