08-02-22 Tuesday
Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson and Derek Gause speculate about US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia and the threats from China.
Segments 3-4: Gunny Mike join the conversation and they also talk about if China.
Segments 5-6: Brogan Teel and Matt Brackley join the panel and they discuss their campaigns and what made them decide to stand up. They discuss the education system and Teachers’ Union. They break in to listen to an interview of ????? with Brian Kilmeade about Afghanistan and China.
Segments 7-8: David talks about the role of government. Which leads to a discussion about the pandemic and choices that were made by our Governor left with her executive powers by the State Legislature.
Segments 9-10: Sean Spicer host of Spicer and Co on NewsMax joins the gang. He and Ray talk about Nancy Pelosi and her trip, they speculate who would be House Speaker after the mid-term, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “power” in Washington, Republican vs Democratic gaffes, media coverage.
Segment 11: Ray takes a call from Steve of Westbrook and Tony.
Segment 12: Ray, Derek, Brogan and David talk about being Italian, ancestry, reparation and more.
Segments 13-14: Brogan Teel and Ray talk about Travis Mills and his restaurant The White Duck Pub and an event happening tonight. Ray and Brogan discuss Ray’s weight loss and his catalyst, growing old gracefully, and more. Derek’s dad, Anthony, calls in to share his family heritage.
Segment 15: Ray opened this segment with the song Holy Water by We The Kingdom and they discuss the song, Brogan’s trainer, Zack Russell, and our connection to him, the story of how she found her son’s name, the difference between “Doing Well” and “Doing Good”.
Segment 16: Ray talks about the backgrounds of some of the people that are running for office, Gov. Mills’ over-reach of power He takes calls from Brownfield Dave and Larry.