03-21-23 Tuesday
Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about President Donald J. Trump, his past wives, Trump’s past affairs, Trump’s fixers, and more.
Segment 2:
Segment 3: Ray is joined by David Jones and Gunny Mike Hall. They continue with the Trump story and Russia, China, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and the age of people in Washington running our country.
Segment 4: Ray and David talk about the movie Arthur, New York, Home Alone, and Trump’s guest appearances in the movie.
Segment 5: Sophia Pride joins the boys and Ray asks her if she has heard much about the Trump saga in the news.
Segment 6: Ray, David, and Sophia discuss some of the rumors being circulated about Trump’s arrest.
Segment 7: This segment’s discussion is about the dumbing down of our school-age students.
Segment 8:
Segment 9: Ray, David and Dee Dee welcome Brad Dyer on his Peacefield on Tour 2023 who is on the road for the next month celebrating America. He shares some of the things he has seen on the road and his frustration with Google Maps.
Segment 10: Ray, David and Dee Dee discuss camping and traveling with Bed and Breakfasts.
Segments 11-12: Ray, David, and Dee Dee discuss music and then Ray gives a shout-out to the tribute in Freeport for Carmen Foote that passed away. This brings a discussion about 9/11 and how they became the Freeport Flag Ladies and some of their other contributions, and more.
Segments 13-14: Ray talks about how some are using credit cards to meet their monthly expenses and the largest number of those are in Maine. He shares his thoughts that help this situation. He takes calls. Ray talks about his Faith and takes another call
Segments 15-16: Ray talks about his frustration with Donald Trump.