03-05-24 Tuesday
Segment 1: Ray Richardson plays a clip of Former President Trump’s speech responding to the Supreme Court’s decision on keeping Trump off the 2024 ballot and then talks about some of the uproar from the Democratic party.
Segment 2: Ray talks about the Portland School Board wanting to raise their budget and get more money. Maine is more concerned about “social concerns” than whether our children are learning the 3 R’s, he talks about the good teachers that make learning fun, teaching out of the box creatively, and more.
Segments 3-4: Ray talks about Trump being on the ballot and Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows statement reversing her decision. Dee Dee asks a question about the timeline on Bellows decision. He takes a call about Bellows decision. Aroostook County native, ME-02 candidate, small business owner, and former NASCAR driver Austin Theriault join Ray by phone they discuss the Ballot decision and Bellows ruling that was overturned, they talk about the importance of the grassroots efforts, from gather signatures, running local meetings, and the close margin of the US House and Senate, priorities in Augusta and Washington, and more. For more information or to help in his campaign, visit AustinforMaine.com.
Segment 5: Ray is joined by David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate) and they discuss the primary and more before Dr. Peter Earle of AIER (American Institute for Economic Research) joins them.
Segment 6: Ray reminds people about the hearing for LD 227. The bill will totally affirm abortion and gender treatments even to the point of bypassing parents. He urges people to make your voice heard.
Segments 7: Matt Jacobson (and Jessica Gagne (Morning Anchor of Channel 8 WMTW) join with what is happening on this Super Tuesday and the crews that will be out and about, Ethan Strimling, Pat Callaghan, and more. Matt tells Ray that he used to teach flying and wants to get he and Claude Berube in studio together.
Segment 8: Ray urges people to get out an vote. It is important that you make your voice heard. This is how we send a message.
Segment 9: Jon Decker (White House Correspondent for Gray Television and lawyer) joins by phone to share his thoughts on the Superior Court Trump cases.
Segment 10: They talk about the bump song and Matt shares a story about crewing a boat for an Admiral and others that have sacrificed everything so that you can go vote. Matt reminds us of the importance and consequences to public policy.
Segments 11-12: The boys talk about Gov. Mills’ Sears Island Windmill Project, the logistics of the costs, tax subsidy, and more.
Segment 13: Ray plays Abby Anderson performing Heart On Fire In Mexico and they discuss the origins. The boys get into carbon emissions, and coal power around the world. Can Maine really have an impact on the carbon footprint of the world. Ray takes a call.
Segment 15: Ray and Matt talk about the importance of voting. If you don’t like what is happening in the schools, the solar panels, and other things that the progressives are pushing….GO VOTE!!!! Matt shares the first time that a vote personally affected him, the Trump effect, honor, disagreeing without anger, and more.
Segment 16: Ray and Matt finish the show with a quick segment.