04-12-24 Friday
Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Maine Legislature’s (both the House and Senate) stealth votes during the night to pass a bill that lowers state income taxes for low and middle wage and raised taxes on the wealthier.
Segment 2: Ray is really frustrated with Maine Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross hypocrisy. He explains that Reps. Michael Lemelin and Shelley Rudnicki were censured for their comments on God’s wrath because of the passing of L.D. 1619 and they way that Talbot Ross conducted business and that Speaker Talbot Ross and not once but twice called on listeners to storm the Capitol during her speech to The Maine Department of Education (MDOE).
Segment 3: Ray continues to discuss the sneaking manner in which the Maine Legislature passed their bills in the middle of the night. He then gets into President Biden, Biden’s weak presidency, Obama’s comments about wanting a puppet so he could have a 3rd term.
Segment 4: Ray talks about the background checks for guns, and the inconsistencies in the the bills that they are passing.
Segments 5-6: Mike Mercer (F3 Defense) join Ray and Dee Dee and they talk about Psalm 100, the Cumberland County Happy Hours at Eric’s Church. They talk about the song Raise the Colors by The Bass Singers of Tik Tok. Austin Theriault (Aroostook County native, Maine State Representative, ME-02 candidate, small business owner, and former NASCAR driver) and Ray talk about the money that is being taken from Maine Transportation with a vote in the middle of the night. He announces that he has raised $1.2 million and why that is so significant. For more information or to help in his campaign, visit AustinforMaine.com.
Segments 7-8: Ray plays the song Hoist The Sails and welcomes Steve DiMillo (DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant in Portland Maine) the boys and they talk about getting the DiMillo’s Food Truck (DiMillo’s on the Roll) up and on the road in Portland especially on Warren Avenue, the tax burdens, the closing of BBQ place next to Pat’s Meat Market and who might be taking the space, this weekend’s special, Steve’s plans for the weekend, some of the great restaurants in Westbrook and Greater Portland.
Segment 9: Ray introduces the group. Dr. Demi Kouzounas (DemiForSenate.com), Sophia Pride, Brandie and Regan Goan all join Mike and Ray. Ray asks Regan to share a little about himself and his company. His consulting firm provides Security Risk Management and Investigative Services to government agencies, private business groups, and the individual client. They have a conversation about how to put a plan in place and the the ability to enact the plan.
Segment 10:
Segment 11: Ray plays more of the spoof song and then reminds people to come out to Eric’s Church tonight for the CCRC Happy Hour and then American Ride is playing. Demi and Ray talk about the anti-Israel sentiment around the world.
Segment 12:
Segments 13-14: Ray and the panel talk being married for a long time, Demi and her husband Joe and his support, and Ray says that he and Dee Dee will be married 39 years tomorrow. Sophia shares the latest gender rules from the Falmouth School Department. This brings up a discussion about what this means and the bullying that is happening to the girls in the Falmouth schools. Ray gives a quick recap. Ben Smith (Junction Bowl / The Sidecar/Red City Ale House) join the fun.
Segments 15-16: Ray talks about the dictatorship of Joseph Biden and uses his latest Superior Court workaround for Student Loan Payoffs. The conversation goes back to the slippery slope of transgender, pedophilia, and Ray shares his story of changing a diaper. They get back to the discussion about boys in the girls’ locker room and people that have been victims of a sexual assault being subjected to these situation, co-ed teams, and more.