05-23-24 Thursday
Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about the largest tax increase in the state of Maine history and the new Family Employee Act and when it takes effect.
Segment 2: Ray asks Sen. Collins not to sign the Best Pizza Declaration and then talks about some of the great pizza here in Maine and back in his hometown of Leesburg, Florida.
Segments 3-4: Ray takes a call from Pete McVety about the new tax hike and what that means to his business, and more. Another caller tells Ray that Niki Haley finally endorsed Trump.
Segment 5: Ray talks about the Government of Maine sticking it to the citizens and a Bill becoming Law without the Governor’s signature and is really upset about the Maine’s National Electoral Vote and calls on Rep. Barbara Bagshaw and offers his help to get signatures to overturn this and how they keep changing the rules on voting.
Segment 6: Ray talks about the rate hike for the Casco Bay Ferry and then he talks about some of the Memorial Day remembrances around Westbrook and surrounding areas.
Segment 7: Ray plays the Gettysburg Address and then is joined by Dave Ciullo (Career Management Services and host of The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio) joins Ray by phone and they discuss some of the mandatory posters that employers are required in Maine and the practices of workplace behavior and conversations.
Segment 8:
Segments 9-10: Dov Sacks (Independence Law Maine) join Ray and Dee Dee and they talk about the New York Trump Trial and what could happen if Trump is convicted.
Segment 11: Ray addresses a text about him not going after Gov. LePage the same way he does Gov. Mills. They take a call from Steve from Westbrook.
Segment 12: Ray and Dov talk about the Donald J. Trump and the Trump phenomenon.
Segments 13-16: Dov continues his thoughts on some of the things that Trump did and compares to Biden and how this upcoming election is going to be interesting, voter’s memories, Trump’s economy versus Biden’s, and they take a call from Arthur Langley and a text from Claude Berube. He and Dov discuss the history of Israel and Palestine, they take calls.