09-19-24 Thursday
Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson talks about last night’s Trump rally, some of the policies that the Democrats are pushing, Chicago’s mayor fighting the “walkie-talkies” on a stick program that helps with reporting gun fire, Maine’s abortion policies, Maine’s DHHS program, and more.
Segment 3: Ray talks about Trump’s policies versus Harris’ claims.
Segments 5-6: Ray plays another clip from Trump’s rally and then shares his thoughts before welcoming Sarah Parshall Perry (Attorney, Heritage Foundation) to discuss the current state of our country.
Segment 7: Ray plays a montage of Democratic leaders on their stance of illegal immigrants and protecting our borders over the years. He shares a US House vote, in 266-158 vote, passed Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) bill that would designate non-citizens convicted of sex offenses or domestic violence inadmissible to and deportable from US.
Segment 8: Pete McVety (former Navy Pilot and worked at the Pentagon, owner of McVety Hearth and Home) joins Ray for a quick segment and they discuss the flip-flop of the Dems policies on illegal immigration.
Segment 9: Ray plays a little more of Trump’s rally from last night. Dr. Demi Kouzounas (Demi For Maine) and Dov Sacks (Independence Law Maine) join Ray in discussing some of the focus groups and polls out there, the health and cats and dogs disappearing in major cities, and more.
Segment 10: Ray plays a clip of WHPS Karine Jean-Pierre and Fox News’ Peter Doocy and shares his thoughts.
Segment 11: Ray plays a little more of last night’s Trump rally.
Segment 12: They talk about the choice for the Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party.
Segments 13-14: Ray, Demi, and Dov discuss end of life and abortion.
Segments 15-16: The abortion conversation continues and then they take calls.