12-03-24 Tuesday
Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about the pardon of Hunter Biden by his father President Biden.
Segment 2: Ray talks about the tariffs against Canada and the meeting with Trump and Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.
Segments 3-4: Ray takes calls.
Segments 5-7: David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate) and Dr. Peter Earle of AIER (American Institute for Economic Research) join Ray. They talk about favorite Christmas songs and then get into trade relationships, trade balances, tariffs, China, Canada, Mexico, production in America, and more. Matt Jacobson (join the conversation.
Segment 8: They boys tease the upcoming segment regarding the cost of energy.
Segments 9-10: Ray, David, Matt, and Sean Spicer discuss some of the positions being filled by Trump and a whole lot more. Find Sean’s podcast on YouTube.com, Spotify, or SeanSpicer.com.
Segment 11-12: The boys talk about the lower class struggling to pay for energy. Matt goes into detail why.
Segments 13-14: Ray and Matt continue to discuss the energy costs. They take calls.
Segments 15-16: The boys continue to take calls. Matt and Ray talk about the Blessings of Life.