02-24-2025 Monday
Segments 1-2: Ray talks about the Pentagon segment with Pete McVety, the DOGE audit of the Pentagon, the National Governors Association meeting and President Trump’s and Maine’s Governor Janet Mills spat over his executive order on transgender athletes in school sports, Ray shares his thought on the education system in Maine.
Segment 3: Ray thanks James Tranchemontagne owner of the Frog and Turtle Gastro Pub in Westbrook, who led the revitalization of downtown Westbrook. The government and their rigid non-business friendly tactics and policies have closed another business. He describes the behavior of the Mills’ administration employees, the fight over boys in girls sports and Ray questions where are the father’s in this fight.
Segment 4: Ray continues with the willingness to get involved in the boys in girls sports. The Maine Principal’s Association.
Segments 5-6: Ray starts with a correction from the last segment. He talks about the emails to the federal employees wanting to know what they did and accountability. Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R-Turner) and Vern Dukes (The Trucker of Truth, Cafe 1055), join Ray ask Josh about the Legislature reconvening, Laurel Libby’s post, and more.
Segments 7-8: Ray starts with a clip of Ken Altshuler and Ray from Political Brew on News Center Maine Sunday. Gov. Mills, the boys get into Mills picking and choosing which Executive Orders she will or will not following. They question the differences between the Covid vaccine and the ban of boys in girls sports.
Segments 9-10: Ray starts off with more from Sunday’s Political Brew. They discuss the need for deterrents in the school in Cumberland after all of the news coverage over the boys in girls sports controversy.
Segments 11-12: Ray talks about the priority of the Maine Legislature to vote on the Bill to make the sledding dog the Maine State Dog. Ray reads an important notice out of Gorham and Title IX. Ray plays clips and they boys chat about them.
Segment 13-14: Ray and the boys discuss the indoctrination in the schools and uses Christian symbols or flags in schools yet lets other flags/symbols in (ex. Pride or BLM flag), and more.
Segments 15-16: They discuss the Maine Legislature taking school vacation week off, and what they are planning. They get into Democratic prospects for Governor.