02-27-25 Thursday
Segment 1: Ray Richardson opens up with some of the headlines in Maine including the censure of Maine Rep. Laurel Libby and how it is all over the news.
Segment 2: Ray reads “Remember the Maine” from Dr. Casey.
Segments 3-4: Ray reads something he wrote yesterday about the censure of Laurel Libby and the sparking of outrage is only political and shares several instances to back his thoughts and argument. Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) joins Ray. They discuss the cool shirts that he sent Ray and Dee Dee, Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. The delicious Mardi Gras King cake, Gene Hackman and some of his movies on his passing, and more.
Segments 5-6: Sarah Parshall Perry (Attorney, Heritage Foundation) join Ray and they discuss the confrontation between Pres. Trump and Gov. Mills at the Governors’ meeting in Washington. The hill that the Democrats are willing to die on.
Segment 7: Ray talks about the taxes that Governor Mills is raising on the hardworking people of Maine. The governmental scam they are running on the Federal government through Medicare. The drag show on Ice at a fishing derby, and other inappropriate displays.
Segment 8: Ray talks about the term of President, Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State for President George Washington, term limits, and more.
Segments 9-12: Dov Sacs (Independent Law) and Kenny Cianchette (Erik’s Church) Maine State Rep. Liz Caruso (R-House District: 72) join us in studio. Kenny shares some of the awesome events coming up including the two night Barbara Bush fundraiser featuring the band LOCASH and they also discuss the continuation of the Veterans Forward Radiothon after party featuring Don Campbell on May 22. Rep. Caruso submitted her bill “An Act to Ensure Equity and Safety in Athletics, Restrooms, Changing Rooms and Housing at Elementary, Secondary, and Postsecondary Schools.” She describes the bill’s objective about every student athlete being seen, safe, and able to play competitive sports fairly. She describes what this bill is intended to do. They have a great discussion. Matthew Lauzon joins the discussion.
Segment 13-16: Ray re-introduces everyone. Liz reads a quote from tennis great Martina Navratilova. The panel continues their discussion. Ray plays a clip from Serena Williams about playing Andy Murry. Dov asks Liz about her Bill and the journey to become law. It will go to Committee, then to Public Hearing, then to the Work Session in that Committee, then to the full House for a Vote, then to the Senate.