03-06-25 Thursday
Segment 1-2: Ray and Dee Dee Richardson are joined by Dr. Michael Ciampi of Ciampi Family Practice, Brad Dyer (Hometown Senior Solutions), and Caitlin Beairsto (Hometown Senior Solutions) and they discuss the Democratic Party nationally and locally.
Segment: 3-4: The conversation continues about the difference in men and women, and more. Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) joins the gang and they discuss a lot of different topics including Mardi Gras, King cakes and more.
Segments 5-6: Sarah Parshall Perry (Attorney, Heritage Foundation) join Ray and Doc and they discuss the Governor Dinner’s spat between President Trump and Governor Mills. Mills’ defiance of Trump’s Executive Order banning boys in girl’s sports.
Segments 7-8: Ray and Doc welcome Dave Ciullo (Career Management Services) and they discuss the battle of genders and transitioning, and more. They discuss the right for a company to have a “brand” and uses Disney as an example with their no facial hair policy. The restaurant industry and Red Robin closing a lot of stores, the Frog and Turtle closing, the newly enacted Family Leave Act and how will businesses survive, LD 575 is the bill number to take any employer say in the time that is taken off with this Family Leave Act.
Segments 9-10: Dov Sacks (Independence Law Maine and New Hampshire) joins Ray and they continue to discuss answers the question about the LD against employers, Trump’s Joint Congress Address, who he mentioned during his speech, and the behavior from the Democrats, Ray plays a clip from Maine’s Office of New Americans urging incoming immigrants not to assimilate, the countries that are fighting Sharia law and others that are just accepting it.
Segments 11-12: Ray and Dov discuss Trump Derangement Syndrome and the people that are against anything that he says or proposes. They continue to talk about the anti Maine and anti-American practices that affect business that the Maine Government support against the lobster, lumber and other industries. Ray talks about the email that has been sent to Federal employees and the outrage from people.
Segment 13-14: Ray and Dov discuss the Russian-Ukrainian War, President Zelenskyy, Trump’s ability to make things happen, the border crossings, and more.
Segments 15-16: Ray asks Dov to share information about his law firm and what they do and who do they represent. The boys talk about Trump, Trump’s assignation attempt, the wackadoodle democrats, and more. They take a call about the Jones Act.