Segment 1: Ray Richardson thanks his audience for the text messages, phone calls and for listening. He previews some of his upcoming guests. Ray then addresses Biden coming back from yet another vacation to sign this “Inflation Reduction Bill” and the money that they are putting toward the army of IRS officers and their weapons and ammunition that were supposed to be going after the “Big Boys”, but all indications are that they are actually going to go after the little guy because they are the low hanging fruit.
Segment 2: Ray talks about the importance of not gloating about winning and uses Liz Cheney’s election defeat as an example.
Segments 3-4: David Jones and Gunny Mike join Ray. They discuss the power of music and memories it can invoke. They talk about Liz Cheney, the school system and the 17th Annual Veterans’ Appreciation Game.
Segment 5: David and Ray talk about China and our dependence on a country that goes against everything that we have regulated against in America, the American jobs that have gone overseas, government’s over-regulations, Obama’s regulations versus Trump’s regulations.
Segment 6: Ray talks about his daughter-in-law, Bailey and her ability to beautifully chronicle their trip to Cincinnati on Instagram and Facebook and one of the benefits to social media.
Segments 7-8: In this FO Bailey Real Estate Segment, Eric Jones of Northeast Spray Insulation. They talk about the benefits of having a properly insulated house, how Efficient Maine works and you might be able to get some money back. They talk about how insulation has changed and what it is made of today. For more information, contact Eric at Northeast Spray Insulation or call (207) 797-8887.
Segments 9-10: Sophia Pride she is 15 years old and is the manager of Steamboat Landing Mini Golf in Naples for her parents. She and the boys talk about drugs, sports, working, wages, and more.
Segments 11-12: Ray talks about an essay that Sophia gave him to read. He and David talk about America’s history, American ingenuity, family values, LePage, the differences between Paul LePage’s and Janet Mills’ philosophies, Mary Mayhew and the “Label to Disable” technique.
Segment 13: Ray gets an update from Pete McVety on the status of his daughter and granddaughter. Ethan of Saco and Larry call in.
Segment 14: Ray reads a text about him not being any fun because he doesn’t gloat.
Segments 15-16: Ray talks about the role of a journalist. It is important to get just the facts out and let people make up their own mind on an issue. He talks about Manchin’s Bill and what is really in it versus what they tells us is in it. He then takes calls.