Segment 1: Ray Richardson and Derek Gause discuss the leaked report from the Superior Court concerning Roe vs Wade. Ray says a prayer that all praying will pray for armor for the Judges that will stand against the evil of abortion.
Segment 2: Ray talks about the prospect and possibilities of ending Roe v Wade. Ray explains the history of the ruling in the Roe v Wade case.
Segment 3: Derek gives a shoutout to a friend, they discuss the women that reveal in having multiple abortions and advertise it. Ray talks about Redemption. Gunny Mike calls in and shares that this is going to bring up a lot of history and conflict, Amazon gives out travel vouchers for transgender surgery.
Segment 4: Ray previews an upcoming segment about hunting on Sunday. Ray and Derek discuss hunting and Dunkin Donuts’ new cornbread donut.
Segment 5: Ray and Derek are joined by Jared Bornstein, the head of the Maine Hunters United for Sunday Hunting, and Virginia Parker, a registered Maine guide. They share why they are bringing this effort to the forefront.
Segment 6: Ray plays a clip of an interview on Fox and Friends with Mark Levine about the leak from the Supreme Court and the ramifications going forward.
Segment 7: Demi joins the boys to welcome Paris Dennard, Republican National Spokesman, to talk about the Supreme Court and the leaked report and the repercussions on the sacristy of the Superior Court.
Segment 8: Ray gives Demi a huge well done to her and her whole team for a job well done in the preparation and execution of the Maine GOP Convention and the yeoman’s work of Jack Cianchette.
Segment 9: The panel talks about the sitting on the sidelines is in the past. The liberal left is doing everything to retain the right to kill the unborn, including the non-ethical of breaching the Supreme Court. They take a call from Ethan of Saco about abortion. Another caller talks about the women that are against abortion and stresses that it isn’t a man v woman issue, but life v death.
Segment 10: Ray reads a text with a question about forcing a child that was raped to have an abortion.
Segment 11: The panel continues with the abortion vs. right to life discussion. They take calls.
Segment 12: Ray and the panel continue to talk about the Right To Life issue and take more calls.
Segment 13: They take more calls including Arthur Langley.
Segment 14: They
Segment 15: Ray talks about the upcoming Radiothon coming up on Thursday, May 12th. They talk about following the science and Covid and the Democrats keep moving the goalposts on vaccines and more.
Segment 16: Ray reads a comment from Dinesh D’Souza on Truth Social. The panel takes a couple of calls.