Segment 1: Ray Richardson and Derek Gause talk about Memorial Day and what they did over the weekend. Steve Abbott joins the boys and shares what he did over the weekend. Events that they did and people that they ran into.
Segment 2: Ray, Derek, and Steve talk about the true qualities of a leader.
Segment 3: David Jones joins the boys and they talk about the Sussman trial and the ramifications.
Segment 4: Ray and the boys talk about the protesters and why they do it….it is all about the money.
Segment 5: Ray and the boys are joined by Tom Tyler who is running for Windham’s House District 106. He talks about his long history of serving Windham (om has served 2 terms in the Maine legislature ( the 117th and 126th)) and Maine (Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine as President) and the reasons that he decided to get back in the ring. To follow or help Tom’s campaign, visit Tom Tyler for Maine House on Facebook.
Segment 6:Ray talks about the beautiful morning. Ray asks Steve about Sen. Collins blocking the nomination of NOAA and the role the lobstering industry and the undo regulations placed upon them that played in it.
Segment 7: Ray welcomes Dr. Demi Kouzounas, Maine GOP Chair, the panel discusses the impacts that decisions in Washington have had on us.
Segment 8: Ray asks about the new Top Gun movie.
Segment 9: The panel continues to talk about some of the corruption and Biden’s influence on elections, Georgia’s elections, and candidates. Ray thanks Steve Abbott for coming in and being a part of the panel.
Segment 1: Ray Richardson opens his show with a speech from President Ronald Reagan given on Memorial Day 1992. Ray talks about the last full devotion, honoring the fallen, Westbrook’s Memorial Day Remembrance, and more.
Segment 2: Ray starts with the poem, In Flander’s Field. He shares his memory and reaction to the news of The Columbine shooting and how the tragedy in Uvalde, TX has affected him. He gets frustrated with some of the texts that he has received.
Segment 3: Gunny Mike Hall joins Ray to share some information and history on the tradition of Memorial Day.
Segment 5: Mike Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News, and Ray discuss the potential problems that could affect the upcoming elections in Maine including the high cost of living, heating costs, CMP’s request for an increase, and more.
Segment 6: Ray shares the story of Edith Knowles and her tireless efforts to honor her brother “Bud”, who was lost in The Battle of the Bulge. Segment 7: Natalia Zarytska joins Ray to share life as a wife of an Azovstal fighter who had surrendered. He was in the Azovstal steel plant and they are worried about the fate of their relatives after Kyiv this week ordered its garrison in the plant in Mariupol to stand down.
Segment 8: Ray previews upcoming guest Michael Reagan and then talks about Arlington National Cemetery and its origins and complicated history.
Segment 9: Ray talks about Memorial Day and the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day. He shares another story from his book, Every Stone Has a Story.
Segment 10: Ray plays a beautiful and new rendition of God, Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood. He is joined by Michael Reagan, Son of President Ronald Reagan and Founder of The Reagan Legacy Foundation, which honors the brave men and women who served in the European campaign during World War II and his ongoing project, Walkway To Victory from The Reagan Legacy Foundation, which is a non-profit project with a lasting and fitting tribute to honor those American, British, and Canadian soldiers who gave of themselves in service to the liberation of France and Europe in WWII. They also talk about the man that was President Ronald Reagan.
Segment 11: Ray starts off with Pres. Reagan’s City on the Hill speech. He talks about the sacrifices of the fallen to give them the right to be free citizens. What as parents we need to do to ensure that our children know our history.
Segment 12: Ray plays Josh Groban’s God, Bless America, and talks about the renewed love of our country during the Reagan era and how we as a country need to get back to that love of country.
Segments 13-14: Ray talks about the special people that fought in WWII including Fred Collins. He reads another story of a fallen soldier and his mother’s journey in the Gold Star Mothers and suggests her book Keep Moving Forward: My Son’s Last Words found on Amazon. He takes calls.
Segment 15: Ray starts off with another excerpt from his book about Marc Gousse’s letter from his uncle and the poem that he wrote to his mother as a Christmas gift. He then takes calls.
Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson talks about the shameful display of political posturing in the aftermath of tragedies, all of the laws already on the books, gun-free zones, asking the wrong questions, Beto O’Rourke, and rising violence, he advocates for Christians to stand up and support Christian values in churches, and more.
Segment 3: Shawn Moody of Moody’s Collision and Bob Witkowski join Ray. They talk about the Veterans Forward Radiothon and the need to continue to help the ones that have helped keep us safe. They also discuss changing the way our country runs, changing the Constitution, history repeating itself, the Great Depression, the Crash of 2018, morals, capitalism without conscious, E-verify system, and more.
Segment 4: Ray and Shawn continue to discuss the Blue Collar Scholarship Awards in Westbrook.
Segments 5-6: Ray talks more about the Blue Collar Scholarships that will be handed out tonight. Gail Huff Brown joins Ray. They talk about an event that they are holding at Ryan’s Place down in Epping New Hampshire to celebrate veterans during Veterans Appreciation Month. They also talk about inflation, the Federal Reserve, interest rates, energy, Washington needs to stop printing money, bad policies coming out of Washington, Congressman Chris Pappas (NH-01), and the difference between Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and more. For more information on Gail’s positions or her campaign, visit
Segment 7: Dave Ciullo, Career Management Services and host of The H.R. PowerHour heard on WLOB Radio, join Ray. They talk about candidates for a job, the hiring process, the interview process, and the due diligence to find the right fit for your company.
[Audio not available] Segment 8: He talks about the guest Natasha that he is trying to arrange as a guest and a pastor’s message and the obstacles in people’s lives
Segments 9-10: Ray starts off by listing off some of the upcoming show’s guests. He then takes a couple of calls.
Segment 11: Charlie Summers, Maine Energy Marketers, joins Ray in expressing his condolences to the families and communities that have lost loved ones. Then, he addresses the high cost of fuel heading into the fall and winter months and presents a communication plan, why there is a K-1 deficit, and more. Ray promotes the MTECH school.
Segment 13: Shannon Noelle Bream, an American journalist, and lawyer who appears on Fox News Channel joins Ray to discuss God and Free Will. Ray continues his thoughts about God and Faith. He takes a call from Larry about former Pres. Obama’s statement and Pres. Biden’s press conference.
Segment 14: Ray talks and gets frustrated with the Governor of Maine and their inappropriate priorities.
Segment 15: News Center Maine‘s Pat Callaghan joins Ray and they chat about Patrick Dempsey and the Sea Dogs, the tragedy of the last couple of weeks, and more.
Segment 16: Ray takes a call from Andy about the shooting and Facebook algorism. Jeff Peterson and Jen from the Blue Lobster in Portland Maine. They bring some really nice swag for Ray and they talk about summer in Maine.
Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about the tragedy that occurred around noon on Tuesday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. He finishes this segment with a prayer.
Segment 2: Ray plays Home Free’s version of Amazing Grace and shares one of his mama’s favorite quotes and shares his thoughts on what it means.
Segment 3: Gunny Mike Hall and David Jones join Ray and they discuss the unfolding story in Texas, school protections, and more.
Segment 4: Ray previews some of the upcoming guests on deck for today’s show.
Segments 9-12: Ray and David welcome Corey Lewandowski, former Trump campaign manager, talk about the campaigns around the country, and the media, and then get into the mental health issue and lack of help or guidance.
Segment 13-14: Ray and David continue to discuss mental health and money priorities. They take calls from Dave of Westbrook and Mike Mercer shares a personal experience with his brother being in crisis with no help to be found.
Segments 15-16: Ray and David talk about how everything is connected. Conner Richardson walks in and joins them talking about faith and family.