Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson chats with Fox and Friends Co-Host, Todd Piro, about kids being kids, the Florida law protecting kids, baseball, and more.
Segment 3: Gunny Mike Hall joins Ray and they talk about Twitter, Juanita Broaddrick, Florida’s law protecting children, Boris Johnson, Ukraine, and more.
Segment 4: Ray plays a Facebook Live that Vern Dukes took of 12/OC playing at Birchwood Brewery and Ray previews some of the upcoming show’s guests.
Segments 5-6: Vernon Dukes, the Trucker of Truth, calls in and they talk about Birchwood Brewery, his weekend hangout, and points out that it is a family affair and that Andrew is a veteran. This brings up a conversation about America’s children, government ineptness, protecting our children, Elliot Cuttler, Joe Biden’s behavior towards little girls, and more.
Segment 7: Maine State Senator Bill Diamond joins Ray to discuss the kids of Maine and the need to protect them, Maine Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services Jeanne M. Lambrew, the lack of change in policy, the bureaucracy, the DHHS system, child protective services, children’s deaths, how to change the system, and more.
Segment 8: Ray continues with his thoughts about Jeanne Lambrew’s comments.
Segments 9-10: Maine Rep. Joshua Morris (R-Turner) joins Ray. They talk about the waning days in the Maine Legislature and what he has been doing including what was happening during his town meeting, small towns, state laws qualifications without the consideration of all towns in rural Maine, not just the big city, local jobs fighting large companies out of Massachusetts, unions jobs, Freeport and local town standards, and more.
Segments 11-12: Ray urges people to call your Rep and the Speaker of the House to voice their stance on Maine LD 2003 and he takes a call from Cape Elizabeth with more details included in this bill and why it is so dangerous, another caller addresses the move toward union-based employees only and that there aren’t enough union workers and that they have to ship them up from Massachusetts.
Segments 13-14: Ray talks about the age of the people in Washington running our country, the 1619 project, he takes calls including Steve of Westbrook and others.
Segments 15-16: Ray takes more calls including John of Falmouth, The Freedom Fighter, and Larry. Ray talks about the “woke” crowd like AOC and the push toward Communism, pointing out the ironic point that if they lived in a Communist society, they would have been quieted (one way or another). He takes one more call.