Part 1: Seg 1-2 Ray Richardson opens the day with a monologue about the corruption of the media and how it affected the elections and truth, the New York Times, the 1st Amendment, and more.
Part 2: Seg 3 Ray tries to connect with Gunny Mike and ends up talking about Maine, the corridor, Ryan Fectau’s bill, and more.
Part 3: Seg 4 Ray talks about women’s sports and Lia Thomas, a Transgender swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania.
Part 4: Seg 5-6 Ray tried to connect with Mike Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News, but was unsuccessful. Ray is trying to stay calm. Ray ends up talking about government accountability after someone shined a light on the issues and fraud with the EBT cards in Maine.
Part 5: Seg 7 Ray welcomes Maine Sen. Bill Diamond. They discuss Maine’s child services, the bureaucracy of the government to cover up any issues, the Department of Health and Human Services, and if he would stay involved after his term is up in the Senate.
Part 6: Seg 8 Ray takes a call from Former Maine Sen. Guy Scarpino who shares his admiration for Sen. Diamond and expresses how much he will be missed.
Part 7: Seg 9 Ray chats with Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn) they talk about the possibility of the RNC Convention being held in Tennessee, the invasion of Putin into Russia, Gail Huff Brown running for Congress in New Hampshire, and more.
Part 8: Seg 10 Ray talks about common ground across all parties, and people should be the people that hurt children should be punished to the full extent.
Part 9: Seg 11-12 Ray talks about Chick-Fil-A and Santa Barbara placing the blame on them for traffic problems even though it is the drivers’ actions causing the problem. He takes a call from Andy of Saco and Tony.
Part 10: Seg 13 The Crazy Hour begins with lots of calls including Gunny Mike, Ethan of Saco, and Brownfield Dave.
Part 11: Seg 14 Ray plays a clip from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his wife singing “Endless Love”
Part 12: Seg 15 Ray talks about a conversation in a text thread including Derek dissing on Chick-Fil-A and some of the things that Derek doesn’t like and how he intends to open Derek’s eyes. He takes more calls.
Part 13: Seg 16 Ray reminds people about Donald Trump and what he said about NATO.