Part 1: Ray Richardson opens up the show with relationships and why they are so important. He uses many different examples including yesterday’s sermon from church, Ebinezer Scrooge, all the way to how politicians used to work together.
Part 2: Ray talks about The Nutcracker, and then the interview of the Secretary of Defense.
Part 3: Ray talks about the long train of abuses from the government, Judge Walker’s judgment against the lobster industry, global warming, climate change.
Part 4: Ray shares a change in the lineup of today’s guests.
Part 5: Vern Dukes, the Trucker of Truth, joins Ray and they discuss the need for trade workers, hard-working Americans, Andy Sandborn, Birchwood Brewery, and more.
Part 6: Gray Television’s Jon Decker joins Ray to discuss Sen. Bob Dole and his life of service.
Part 7: Ray previews some of the upcoming guests in the upcoming weeks.
Part 8: Maine Rep. Joshua Morris ( R – Turner ) joins Ray to discuss Maine politics, Gov. Mills’ dictatorial mandates and policies, the “bonus” to government workers, Rick Savage, Maine’s unemployment, civil emergency, system, checks and balances of power in government, and more.
Part 9: Gunny Mike calls in to talk about Sen. Dole and more.
Part 10: Ray talks about Alec Baldwin and the shooting on the movie set for “Rust”.
Part 11: Ray talks about the tyranny of New York City’s vaccine mandate, the inconsistency of WH Press Sec. Jen Psaki’s statement of who needs to be vaccinated and who doesn’t, he talks about the conflict he has with yesterday’s sermon about Romans and government. Ray talks about the vaccine and who is liable if for some reason there is a problem or reaction. He takes a call from Ethan of Saco and stepping away from the phone.
Part 12: Ray talks about football.
Part 13: Ray talks about the accountability from our government and how the Biden Administration has moved on. He takes a call.
Part 14: Ray reads Walt Whitman’s poem “Captain, My Captain” about Abraham Lincoln.