Part 1: Ray Richardson plays a clip from President Regan’s farewell speech. He then explains what it means to him.
Part 2: Ray continues his thought on some of the great presidents, he thanks everyone for the well wishes to Dee Dee for her birthday, then talks about Pastor Scott Taube’s sermon at Eastpoint about discipline, and ties it all back to the love and respect of our country.
Part 3: Ray and Gunny Mike have a discussion on the Pledge of Allegiance and love of country, the trucking industry, the working class, and more.
Part 4: Ray plays a clip of President Nixon’s speech about China.
Part 5: Vern Dukes, the Trucker of Truth, joins Ray to discuss the rise of black people and the lack of recognition of their accomplishments, and more.
Part 6: Ray plays a clip from President George Bush from on top of the rubble of the World Trades Building after 9/11. Vern Duke continues with some of the great Black people and reminds people that America elected a black man as President twice. Vern urges people to start identifying as a country.
Part 7: Ray plays a clip from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the aftermath of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Maine Rep. Joshua Morris (R-Turner) joins Ray to discuss Abraham Lincoln’s speeches, Gov. Mills’ plans on spending, Ray wants a consumption tax instead of an income tax, insurance mandates, and other things that are going on in Augusta.
Part 8: Ray plays a clip from Reagan before he was president.
Part 9: Ray plays a clip of Pres. Truman on his announcement of dropping the bomb. He takes a call.
Part 10: The Crazy Hour starts with the condolence call from Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson to Former President Kennedy’s mom Rose after his assassination. Al from Saco calls in as well as Steve from Westbrook, Ethan of Saco, and Jay Baker. Ray talks about the $500 Challenge. Gov. Mills will be handing out $500 checks and he explains that the challenge is to turn around and give that money over to the LePage campaign.
Part 11: Ray plays a clip of President Reagan’s speech to the nation about the loss of the Challenger and its crew. He takes calls. Ray reads President Lincoln’s speech.
Part 12: Ray plays President Reagan’s Shining City on the Hill speech and gives his thought to wrap up today’s show.