Synopsis of all segments are not available at this time
Part 1: Ray Richardson urges people to go back to yesterday’s interview with Leonid Kozachenko, Former Vice Prime Minister and President of the Ukrainian Confederation and then moves on to Gov. Mills’ supplemental budget.
Part 1: Ray Richardson and Derek Gause talk about some of the scandals in politics, Special Counsel John Durham’s report into the origins of the Russia investigation, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election, Carter Page, Peter Strzok, Ukraine, President Obama, the Clinton Campaign, and more.
Part 2: David Jones and Gunny Mike Hall joins the boys to continue the discussion from Segment One.
Part 3: Ray preview the Former Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister coming up next and introduces David and Derek and they discuss living under Communist rule.
Part 4: Ray welcomes Former Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Oleksiy Liubchenko to chat about their current problems including the threat of Russia’s invasion, and more.
Part 5: The panel welcomes Dr. Demi Kouzounas the Maine GOP Chair and Nathan Brand the Deputy Communications Director at Republican National Committee. They catch up on some of the campaigns across the country that need to be watched.
Part 6: Ray reintroduces the panel.
Part 7: The panel continues to chat about the tension between Russia and Ukraine, China’s influence, and the end game.
Part 8: Ray and the gang talk about the bump music. They take a call.
Part 9: Derek reads a piece about BLM, the talk about the Canada Trucker Convoy support funds, and more.
Part 10: The Crazy Hour starts off with the race issue, America’s values, Equity, Equality, Effort, racism, and more. They take calls.
Part 11: The group takes a call from Al of Saco about Fentanyl.
Part 12: The panel talks about Russia posturing, they take a call from Steve of Westbrook, Larry, and more.
Part 13: Ray and Derek share some poems and then they take a call about questioning the government.
Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Super Bowl and the Halftime Show. Ray moves on to the Durham Report, President Obama’s knowledge and involvement in the collusion, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, FBI actively trying to stop Trump from becoming president, Hunter Biden, Joey Biden’s past, the Logan Act, and more.
Part 2: Gunny Mike joins Ray and they talk about how Gunny knew that the Rams would win, the Clinton campaign, the situation unfolding in Ukraine, the military, and more.
Part 3: Ray talks about the trucker convoy and previews his next guest.
Part 4: Vern Dukes, the Truck of Truth, calls in and discusses the trucker convoy, social media, money, unions, drug problem, and more.
Part 5: Todd Piro joins Ray and they chat about the Ukrainian situation, foreign relations, Putin, Chee, North Korea, Jimmy Falla, and football.
Part 6: Maine Rep. Joshua Morris (R-Turner) discusses Gov. Mills’ State of the State, Maine DHHS, the healthcare Crisis, and more.
Part 7: Ray talks about the government “protecting” us, the tax code, Biden’s plan for banks to report your income, Mills’ spending, Mills’ fiscal responsibility, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)of New York vowed that it is “in-ev-i-ta-ble” that Texas would flip blue, and she would “make sure we unionize the hell out of this state.”, and more.
Part 8: Ray talks about the Super Bowl Halftime show and Eminem’s nod to Kaepernick.
Part 9: The Crazy Hour starts with Ray going back to Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe, the Clinton campaign, Hillary Clinton qualifications, Obama’s knowledge of the Clinton campaign hacking the Trump campaign. Ethan from Saco and Arthur Langley call in.
Part 10: Ray talks about having discussions with liberal Democrats and the candidate for Congress in the primary against Chellie Pingree.
Part 11: Ray plays some Sinatra and talks about The Valentine’s Bandit hitting Portland, he takes calls, Ukraine is the topic of the segment.
Part 1: Ray Richardson satirically reads parts of Gov. Mills’ State of the State Address and shares his thoughts.
Part 2: Ray continues with his thoughts on Gov. Mills’ State of the State Address.
Part 3: Gunny Mike calls in with a Black History hero story. They get into the politics of the day. Ray continues with his confusion on why they are pushing so hard to forgive student debt over medical debt.
Part 4: Ray talks more about Gov. Mills’ claims in her State of the State Address.
Part 5: Mike Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News, joins Ray to talk about Maine’s State of the State Address and Gov. Mills’ plan, Mills’ promise of $500 checks, surplus money, rainy day fund, and more.
Part 6: Ray reads a joke about Billy Graham.
Part 7: Steve DiMillo joins Ray and they start off with the lift of the Portland mask mandate, proposed hazard pay during mandates, personal freedom of choice, government-run utilities, Communism, Prime Rib, and more.
Part 8: Ray welcomes Jen Burke the Public Affairs & Communications Manager of Maine Credit Union League to discuss The 2021 Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger fundraising total of $930,367.80. They also announced it provided 242 organizations with financial support to feed people in need. Jen explains how they achieved this wonder goal.
Part 9: Ray takes a call about the school system and Critical Race Theory.
Part 10: Ray takes calls about the school system and racism in schools. Ray then talks about Margaret Sanger, Adolf Hitler, Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln.
Part 11: The Crazy Hour begins with Ray addressing an email that he received. Then he takes calls including Arthur Langley and a caller from yesterday.
Part 12: Ray urges the person that called yesterday that was an addict yet overcame all of the obstacles to get himself in a better place.
Part 13: Ray takes more calls including Steve from Westbrook, Larry, and the Fighter of Liberty. Ray addresses the letter that he spoke about yesterday about someone that lost it all during Covid and questions what he has to stand up for.