Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about our society and the fear that controls us instead of standing up for our beliefs and what is right, the attacks on the people that are there to protect us from harm.
Part 2: Ray talks about the lack of justice and uses the case in Los Angeles where DA Gascon sentenced a 26-year-old transgender woman who sexually assaulted a girl when he/she was 18 years old but was charged as a juvenile.
Part 3: Ray uses DA Gascon as an example in his monologue about when is enough, enough.
Part 4: Mike Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News, joins Ray to talk about the Gov’s State of the State Address, about Maine politics including the announcement of GOP Candidates, and more.
Part 5: Steve DiMillo, of DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant in Portland Maine, joins Ray and they chat about Portland’s Mask mandate and other things.
Part 6: Ray talks about school boards and the accountability of government entities.
Part 7: Rick Santorum, former US senator, and conservative commentator join Ray to discuss the direction of our country and more.
Part 8: Gunny Mike calls in about the Walk for Vets that will be held on Feb. 2. Mike Mercer joins them to chat about suicide awareness in the veteran and law enforcement communities.
Part 9: Ray tells a story about a tiger, a child, a marine, and a reporter.
Part 10: Ray talks more about Tubbs, the 26-year-old “transgender” and his sentence, the DA. He takes a call and they talk about the Devil dancing in the streets.
Part 11: Ray talks about the Southern Border and some of the problems down there including Fentanyl coming across the border, Covid and other diseases, shipping illegals all across America in the dark of night.
Part 12: Ray takes a couple of calls including James from Augusta regarding the Walk for Vets and detailed information, and Andy from Saco discussing the Supreme Court possible nominations, Jimmy the Milkman announces that he is planning a party.