Part 1: Ray Richardson and Derek Gause discuss some of the upcoming changes happening to the show. Welcome to the family Derek. They move on to the Wisconsin Christmas Parade suspect’s long rap sheet and a number of pending cases and the liberal Wisconsin Bail policy, and more.
Part 2: Ray and Derek welcome David Jones back after his vacation in Key West. The boys talk about the Keys, Hemingway, Jeff Epstein, Epstein’s former girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, Disney’s vaccine mandate policy change, Maine’s Covid numbers, and more.
Part 3: The boys take a call about advertising outside of the state for healthcare personnel in Maine.
Part 4: The boys welcome Mark Curtis with Gorham of Sand & Gravel to discuss an application for a quarry off Route 11 in Sebago Maine. Ray and Mark discuss the process that they have followed and the protest of the project.
Part 5: The panel discusses the government not protecting children.
Part 6: Ray and the panel discuss the long history of President Administrations, including the Biden administration, not paying our military enough to survive.
Part 7: Former Congressman Bruce Poliquin and the boys discuss Inflation, energy crisis, Opec, government intrusion, government segregation, government priorities, the Keystone Pipeline closure, and more.
Part 8: Ray and the boys discuss the tax breaks and then take a call from Aaron congratulating Derek, inflation, gas prices, conservative values, holding elected people accountable for their actions/vote. Arthur Langley calls in to thank and congratulate Ray on the anniversary of his show and the admiration for those that have served in the military.
Part 9: The boys talk about cancel culture. They take calls with topics including American patriotism, the progressives, AOC’s agenda, liberty, and more.
Part 10: Ray chastizes an emailer, they talk about racism, and more. They take calls to discuss Communism, socializing America, Dr. John Herzog, Strategic Oil Reserve, Biden’s plan for the colleges to have co-ed dorms, Lloyd Austin, Biden’s Yearly physical, Biden has moved on.
Part 11: Ray wishes Chris Sedenka well on his new adventure. The boys discuss their Thanksgiving plans, then take a call about Hunter Biden, another talks about Sheriff Joe, America is now becoming an Authoritarian State.
Part 1: Ray Richardson touches on some of the happenings that happened over the weekend. The verdict of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the attack on the Christmas Parade in Waukesha Wisconsin, Pres. Biden’s creepy behavior, the political narrative in Wisconsin, the biased media, and so much more.
Part 2: Ray talks about TV, video games, faith, family, and country. Ray expresses his thanks and appreciation for granting him the opportunity to share his thoughts for the last 18 years. Happy Anniversary to the Ray Richardson Show!
Part 3: Ray plays a clip of a speech of Pres. Kennedy and comments on it then play another with the news breaking into the regularly planned programing of 11/22/63.
Part 4: Ray talks about made-up narratives to push their ideas. Pres. Kennedy’s ideals and efforts to make our country. He also talks about those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.
Part 5: Ray plays another Kennedy speech. Vern Duke, the Trucker of Truth, joins him to discuss the Rittenhouse Trial and Kamala Harris’ behavior to become the Vice President, BLM, the government’s history of unjust laws targeting black people, new laws for the CDL license making it harder to get licensed, and more.
Part 6: Ray is joined by Fox and Friends Co-Host Todd Piro for their weekly conversation.
Part 7: Maine Rep. Joshua Morris ( R – Turner ) joins Ray and they talk about money and the priorities of the Labor Committee, how high taxes make rich people move, Pres. Kennedy’s time and beliefs, the fakes, phoneys, and frauds in office, Gov. Mills’ self-made healthcare problem, and more.
Part 8: Ray talks about the truth and the myths that have been spread about the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, even after the truth during the trial came out, the media continued with their own narrative, Alan Walker’s comments the normalizing of bad behavior, Socialism being preached in Congress, and the movement to Communism.
Part 9: Ray urges people not to jump to a conclusion regarding the motive of the attack on the Christmas Parade in Waukesha Wisconsin. He takes a call from John from Augusta.
Part 10: The Crazy Hour begins. Ray starts off with the new irony from Dr. Shah regarding the healthcare personnel in Maine, Covid rates in Africa versus other countries. He takes calls with various topics including the vaccine mandates, Kyle Ritterhouse, and more.
Part 11: Ray plays more from Pres. Kennedy and talks about building a wall to keep people in versus keeping people out.
Part 12: Ray takes more calls and the topics include more about Kyle Rittenhouse and Kennedy’s assassination, Ray shares his Dad’s thoughts on the Cuban Missile Crisis and Kennedy’s assassination, being a “Kennedy Democrat”, politics over science.
Part 13: Ray thanks all of the people and businesses that have supported him and his show as he starts his 18th year.
Part 1: Ray Richardson and Dr. John Herzog are in the studio this morning. Ray talks about the spending bill, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) efforts to delay the spending bill vote, sets record for longest speech ever on House floor, holiday traditions, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and more.
Part 2: Ray and Doc talk about traditions, normalizing being attracted to a child, basically pedophilia.
Part 3: Ray tells Doc about the Supreme Court turned down a petition from a Christian florist who refused to create flower arrangements for a same-sex couple in the case of Ingersoll v. Arlene’s Flowers, Catholic Charities, Joy Reid, and others on MSNBC.
Part 4: Ray plays a clip of one of Joy Reid’s monologues regarding the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
Part 5: The boys are joined by Mike Mercer, developer of F3 Defense and former police officer to discuss the Rittenhouse Trial and the events that led up to it.
Part 6: Ray explains why he no longer believes in the death penalty.
Part 7: The boys discuss the Build Back Better vote and whether it has the votes to pass.
Part 8: Sean Spicer is the former White House Press Secretary and former White House Communications Director under President Donald Trump. He now has his own show on NewsMax. They discuss the current events in Washington, his experience as the Press Secretary, Thanksgiving, corruption in the media, Trump’s intentions, the Nobel Prize, Sean explains how to get a signed copy of his book (RADICAL NATION: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Dangerous Plan for America), and more.
Part 9: Ray previews upcoming guest Cicely Davis and points out why it is imperative that we get Ilhan Omar out of her seat.
Part 10: The boys welcome Cicely Davis, running for Congress to represent Michigan District 05 against Ilhan Omar, to discuss her message that she wants to take to Washington. She isn’t afraid to stand up for law enforcement and speak her mind. To find out more information on Cicely or her campaign, visit her website.
Part 11: Ray plays a clip from a young person against the new move to normalize PEDIPHILIA and the talks about NAMBA and TED Talks, kids on the border, the Rittenhouse Trial, George Floyd, the media, Cicely Davis and the Minnesota race, during calls from Gunny Mike, Maine Rep. Rich Cebra and Ethan from Saco.
Part 12: Ray reads Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and explains the reason he read it. The stewards of the country and then they take a call from the Fighter of Liberty and he shares the story of John Burns and Elizabeth Thorn, and more.