Part 1: Ray and Dr. John Herzog talk about Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year-old charged with killing two people and wounding a third, his trial, and more.
Part 2: The boys continue with Michigan, the promised riots over the Rittenhouse trial, Black Lives Matters, Gov. Witmer, and more.
Part 3: Ray and Doc continue to discuss Rittenhouse, Gov. Witmer, Pres. Biden’s long history of racism, and more.
Part 4: The boys talk about the crazy double standard in America and the manufactured crisis in America, integrity has become a thing of the past, especially in the media.
Part 5: Ray and Jon continue to talk about Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha Wisconsin, riots, and more. They take calls.
Part 6: The boys talk about the government working against the American people.
Part 7: Ray and Jon talk about the bridge too far and the education vs parent conflict, political boundaries in Wisconsin, Gov. Tony Evers, and more. Gunny Mike calls in.
Part 8: Ray and Doc take a call from Dr. Casey about Kyle Rittenhouse and his age of 17 yet when kids turn 18 years old, they can magically join the military and make adult decisions.
Part 9: Dr. Herzog describes his practice and how he could help you if you are suffering from migraines. They take calls.
Part 10: Ray and Doc talk to Mike Mercer who is out in California and shares his first-hand account of what is happening out there.
Part 11: The Crazy Hour begins….Tyler calls in to agree that we as Americans need to stand up for American values, Ethan from Saco also calls in.
Part 12: Ray talks about how the elected people don’t understand that they are still people, not hierarchies. The Doc shares how much it will cost for transplants in China. They take calls and Ray’s brother, Jim, calls in about the politics over science mandates, Ray brings up Kate Steinle who was murdered by an illegal alien in San Francisco.
Part 13: Ray reads a text that he received for bringing up the Kate Steinle case in comparison to the Kyle Rittenhouse case. They take calls.
Part 14: Ray and Dr. Herzog discuss the Infrastructure Bill has to offer and remind people that elections have consequences.