Part 1: Ray Richardson and Dr. John Herzog are in the studio this morning. Joe is off doing a Covid Booster Clinic. Ray talks about the Veterans’ Support Golf Tournament that was held yesterday to benefit The Travis Mills Foundation. He gives a huge thank you to Bold Coast Coffee and Len Libby for their generous donation gifts, the Poland Springs Resort Staff, and all that attended. He announces next year’s date – Wednesday, October 5, 2022.
Part 2: Ray and John chat.
Part 3: Ray and John talk more about the golf tourney and the volunteers including Mark Reilly and Bunny O’Leary.
Part 4: Ray talks about some of the other sponsors that helped make this event a success.
Part 5: Ray and Doc welcome Mike Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News, and they discuss Mike’s wedding, Maine’s media briefings not allowing two groups that have been excluded, and more.
Part 6: Ray and Doc talk about the methodology with the mask mandates, science vs politics, and Covid. Dave of Westbrook calls in to join the vaccine/Covid discussion.
Part 7: 9 Ray talks about what the real battle should be. Not about being vaccinated or not. It should be against our government for intruding into our personal life. He and Doc talk about some of the examples of the government over-reach. Larry calls in to join the discussion, the next call agrees with Ray.
Part 8: Ray talks about the Debt fight that has been ginned up to pit the Republicans against each other.
Part 9: Ray and Doc talk about society glorifying death, vaccinating kids against the parents’ wishes or consent, Biden’s IRS $600 bank transfer notifications, Biden and his administration’s nepotism, and more. Gunny Mike calls in.
Part 10: Dr. Robbin Frost calls in to share how the mask mandate fight with the Windham Maine School Board and vote went on Wednesday.
Part 11: Ray talks about the real fight – GOVERNMENT INTRUSION! That was what the fight in Windham was about, the government telling the parents that they have to put a mask on their kids without exceptions, the debt bill, supply chain, The Fighter of Liberty calls in.
Part 12: Brownfield Dave calls in to announce his last day on the job because he doesn’t want the vaccine so he and several others will be leaving the medical field.
Part 13: Ray and Doc talk about the American Constitution and the incremental erosion of it. They take a couple of calls including Ethan of Saco. Ray and Dr. Herzog talk about WHY we cut ties to England and formed our own, new and different type of government.