Part 1: Ray Richardson is laying President Biden’s plan for the Hyde Amendment and Planned Parenthood out, Dr. Fauci’s email scandal, Fauci’s lies, Wuhan lab, and a whole lot more.
Part 2: Ray talks in his NPR voice about Dr. Fauci.
Part 3: Ray and Bob Witkowski talk about the show NCIS: New Orleans and the influence it has on New Orleans and Ray brings it back to Maine and the shortsightedness of the Maine Legislature.
Part 4: Ray and Bob Witkowski talk about his new endeavor, Homeport Relocation Guide. He explains how it came to be and where to find it. For more information, visit today.
Part 5: Ray talks about Bob and the need to for people to move to Maine to help with the cost of running a state.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Brad Dyer of Senior Planning Center and Jocelyn “Jo” Dill of the Maine Senior Games. They have something for everyone all over the state. For more information, email at visit and join the fun!
Part 7: Ray explains his position on VP Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden.
Part 8: Ray plays a clip from Pres. Biden’ Tulsa speech about white supremacists and Ray talks about the truth about the long history of Joe Biden and his affiliation with known KKK members including Biden eulogizing Sen. Robert Byrd (a lifelong Democratic politician). Corey Lewandowski, Fight Back Now America, joins Ray and they talk about Biden, Fauci, Liz Cheney, some of the different upcoming races, and discrepancies in the 2020 elections, and election integrity. You can also help Corey on
Part 9: Ray refers to the conversation with Corey about the KKK and Joe Biden’s affiliation with some of their members (Sen. Byrd), Pres. Biden’s Tulsa speech, the double standard of people, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki ineptness, Fauci’s lies to Congress, Fauci’s new book, and more.
Part 10: Ray talks about the first black person to pass the bar came from Maine. He takes a call from his Southern Liberal listener and the fun banter Ray enjoys.
Part 11: Gunny Mike calls in to discuss Hunter Biden’s email and Dr. Fauci’s emails and how the media is not covering these stories.
Part 12: Ray takes a call from Larry about voter ID and Ethan calls in with a joke.