Part 1: Ray Richardson welcomes Dr. Mike Ciampi from Ciampi Family Practice in to discuss required Covid vaccine, confidence in the CDC, Dr. Fauci, the knowing lies that were shared, doctors that want the vaccine and why they haven’t been able to get it.
Part 2: Ray and Doc Ciampi talks about Maine CDC not sharing the Covid vaccine because the CDC doesn’t believe that they know how to give it. Bottom line… is it is all about C-O-N-T-R-O-L!
Part 3: Bob Witkowski joins Ray, Dee Dee, Doctor Mike and JJ Jeffrey to talk about when and when it isn’t kosher to used the term China Virus.
Part 4: Ray asks the Doc a question from the text line about whether or not the Covid vaccine is truly a vaccine. This leads down the path of science over the government control, the mask mandates, Maine Speaker Ryan Fecteau behavior toward unmasked Representatives entering the House, Dr. Fauci’s double talk, Candidate Kamala Harris’ proclamation to not take the vaccine if Trump approves it.
Part 5: Ray responds to a text about VP Harris career.
Part 6: Ray and the Doc talk about the lack of integrity in politics. They welcome David Ciullo, Career Management Services and host of The H.R. PowerHour heard on WLOB Radio on Saturdays, to discuss the Covid and personal information, HIPPA rules, employer’s slippery slope, and more.
Part 7: 8
Part 7: Ray welcomes Lynn St. Laurent from Hydro Quebec to discuss the corridor and how it will save money, who is fighting it and why. She addresses some of the myths that have been spread to discredit this project. For more information on this project, visit
Part 8: Ray and Dee Dee joke around with language and word pronouncements. He takes calls, Ethan of Saco is up first. Ray and the second caller talk about the election audits. Larry calls in and says that he was told that he couldn’t listen to Ray anymore.
Part 9: Ray has a caller about the vaccine and faith.
Part 10: Ray plays Former President Ronald Reagan’s famous Farewell Address – his “Shining City on a Hill” speech. and describes Regan and his hopeful optimism. Ray compares about Sen. Tip O’Neill and his relationship with his colleagues to today’s politicians.
Part 11: Ray talks about OSHA’s stand according to the website on Covid and Employer’s responsibility for Contractors.
Part 13: Ray takes a call about Qualified Immunity. Elected people and judges continue to have armed guards and have qualified immunity, but those same people want to take it away from the people that protect citizens. He takes a couple of calls, Gunny Mike and another one that gets Ray really wound up. Larry and another caller supports Ray’s position on qualified immunity and the “tolerant” people.