Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Maine Bill LD 214 Qualified Immunity and urges his listeners to call their Representative. President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill restricting beef consumption and what people can eat. He takes a call.
Part 2: Ray takes a call about LD 214 and calling his Representative and questioned if there was someone else he could call to express his opinion.
Part 3: Ray and David Jones discuss how the new census has changed the landscape of the seats in the House.
Part 4: Ray and David discuss Mike Mercer and the nice article about his new company F3 Defense and their products to help keep people safe. The boys move on to California Gov. Newsom, his orders to the California National Guard, the recall on his governorship. This leads to a discussion about leadership for our elected officials. They take a call.
Part 5: Ray talks about what will happen if LD 214 passes.
Part 6: The boys are joined by Dr. Demi Kouzounas, Chair of the Maine GOP. They discuss Covid, Covid vaccine, and Pres. Biden raising minimum wage for construction workers, John Kerry, and more.
Part 7: Ray, Demi and David discuss vaccinations, immunity, and Former President Obama not a friend to Israel.
Part 8: Rachel Lee, Northeast Regional Communications Director for the Republican National Committee, joins the panel to discuss Biden’s first 100 days in office, his Infrastructure Plan, fundraising efforts, getting schools open, and working together.
Part 9: seg 10 Ray, David and Demi talk about how the Republicans are raising money and they are starting to work together, Former Governor Paul LePage and his promise to return and what needs to happen to reunite the party.
Part 10: The panel welcomes Mike Yohe of Lobster 207 to discuss the lobster industry and the rally that will be held in Augusta Wednesday April 28th starting at the Civic Center starting at 10am.
Part 11: Ray, Demi and David discuss the debt forgiveness for Student debt and the LD 214 Qualified Immunity.
Part 12: Dave from Westbrook calls in to discuss herd immunity, covid numbers in Maine, vaccinations. They take a couple of other calls including Gunny Mike.
Part 13: Ray and Demi takes calls from Andy from Saco about the Maine Legislature, Arthur Langley about what it takes to win….lots of work, Ethan from Saco, and an Arizona caller.
Part 14: Ray takes a call asking Ray about the difference between his symptoms with Covid and the flu. He also urges the listeners to contact their Representatives to fight LD 214 Qualified Immunity Bill.